Projects developed during the computer engineering course.
2nd year:
Computer Labs III - Sales management system using C and Java languages
Object Oriented Programming -Application To Generate Invoices And Calculate Tax Deduction.
Operating Systems - Work about sales management and a range of Operating Systems exercises.
Program Calculation - A range of exercises using functional programming, category theory and program design by calculation.
3rd year:
Computer Labs IV - Personal Assistant for Home Cooking with voice recognition
Computer Communications - Fast And Reliable Transfer Service On UDP.
Computer Graphics - Solar system design using OpenGL
Databases - Magazine Management System
Deterministic Models of Operational Research - Network Flow And Critical Path Method To Make Better Decisions.
Distributed Systems - Music Sharing Plataform (SoundCloud).
Knowledge and Reasoning Representation Systems - Artifical Intelligence. A Set Of Projects Using Prolog To Represent Knowledge.
Language Processing - Processing files using Regular Expressions, Flex, Gawk and Yacc.
Software Systems Development & Databases - BMW Configurator.
Stochastic Models of Operational Research - Car sales management model
4rd year:
Specification and Modeling - Model checking and model finding using Alloy and Electrum
Information systems by calculation - formal methods for software quality, model, specification, verification and proof.
Database administration - Big data, mechanisms for query processing and transactional guarantees, reliability and scale challenges
Data center infrastructure - data storage infrastructures, services infrastructures, centralized monitoring and management, infrastruture and service security
System Deployment and Benchmarking - Plan, configure and start up a specific distributed computer system, according to a specific application. Distributed architectures
Software analysis and testing - Code smells, metrics, refactoring, parser combinators in Haskell,