An Analysis on Kickstarter Campaingns
This project is to obtain the results of different campaigns performed in relation to their launch date. Excel pivot table and line chart will be used to determine the relationship between launch dates success rate of different campaigns.
The purpose of this project is to determine various campaign launch dates have any correlations to its funding goals.
The month of May has the highest successful campaign launch date compared to the rest of the months and the month of June follows the second successful launch date.
The goal amount between 1000 to 4999 has the highest success rate of 75% over the Total Projects of 534.
The overall challenge on running this data is when creating the formula to extract information from the correct columns and knowing the right criteria included.
What are two conclusions you can draw about the Outcomes based on Launch Date? I conclude that the month of May and June launch date due to warmer weather which people are more incline to do some activities
What can you conclude about the Outcomes based on Goals? The goal amount between 1000 to 4999 has the highest success rate of 75% over the Total Projects of 534. The lower amount of goal makes the campaign more affordable to the masses but not too low that would perceive the campaign’s quality of entertainment.
What are some limitations of this dataset? The popularity of certain types of campaigns is not included in the data, example, name of artist(actors/actresses) or types of play.
What are some other possible tables and/or graphs that we could create? I would create clustered column chart on this data set to provide more details of information.