Benjamin S. Glicksberg 9/14/2018
ROMOP is a flexible R package to interface with the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) OMOP Common Data Model. Briefly, OMOP is a standardized relational database schema for Electronic Health Record (EHR) or Electronic Medical Record (EMR) data (i.e., patient data collected during clinical visits to a health system). The main benefit of a standardized schema is that it allows for interoperability between institutions, even if the underlying EHR vendors are disparate.
For a detailed description of the OMOP common data model, please visit this helpful wiki.
In its backend, OMOP relies on standardized data ontologies and metathesaureses, such as the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), and as such, the queries within ROMOP heavily rely on these vocabularies. Athena is a great tool to better understand the concepts in these ontologies and identify ideal search terms of interest.
Manuscript information:
Glicksberg BS, Oskotsky B, Giangreco N^, Thangaraj PM^, Rudrapatna V,
Datta D, Frazier R, Lee N, Larsen R, Tatonetti NP, Butte1 AJ: ROMOP: a
light-weight R package for interfacing with OMOP-formatted Electronic
Health Record data (in review)
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have released a synthetic clinical dataset DE-SynPUF) in the public domain with the aim of being reflective of the patient population but containing no protected health information. The OHDSI group has underwent the task of converting these data into the OMOP CDM format. Users are certainly able to set up this configuration on their own system following the instructions on the GitHub page. We obtained all data files from the OHDSI FTP server (accessed June 17th, 2018) and created the CDM (DDL and indexes) according to their official instructions, but modified for MySQL. For space considerations, we only uploaded one million rows of each of the data files. The sandbox server is a Rshiny server running as an Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance on Amazon Web Services (AWS) querying a MySQL database server (AWS Aurora MySQL).
ROMOP requires EHR data to be in OMOP format and on a server accessible to by the user. In it’s current form, ROMOP can connect to databases in MySQL using the RMySQL driver or many other formats, including Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Microsoft Parallel Data Warehouse, through utilization of the DatabaseConnector and SqlRender packages developed by the OHDSI group (see below).
Users without access to EHR data might consider using synthetic public data following the instructions provided by the OHDSI group here.
ROMOP is built in the R environment and developed on version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15).
ROMOP requires the following R packages:
- DBI (developed on version 1.0.0)
- data.table (developed on version 1.10.4-3).
- dplyr (developed on version 0.7.4).
- RMySQL (developed on version 0.10.14).
- DatabaseConnector (developed on version 2.2.0)
- DatabaseConnectorJars (developed on version 1.0.0)
- SqlRender (developed on version 1.5.2)
ROMOP can be installed easily from github using the devtools package:
Alternatively, the package can be downloaded directly from the github page and installed by the following steps:
- Unzip
Please see the Setup section to properly configure the package to work.
In accordance with best practices for storing sensitive information, credentials are not saved in plain text but in the .Renviron file. A formatted .Renviron file is provided with the package with the following fields to fill in:
driver = ""
host = ""
username = ""
password = ""
dbname = ""
port = "3306"
- driver (case insensitive): “mysql” for MySQL or (according to OHDSI DatabaseConnector package) “postgresql” for PostgreSQL, “oracle” for Oracle, “sql server” for Microsoft SQL Server, “redshift” for Amazon Redshift, “pdw” for Microsoft Parallel Data Warehouse, or “bigquery” for Google BigQuery.
- host (or server depending on database format)
- dbname: OMOP EHR database name (or schema depending on database format)
Note that this .Renviron file has to be in the same directory where R is launched. If already using an .Renviron file, add this information to it.
With credentials correctly configured, the package can be loaded. ROMOP will now check for 3 conditions to be met:
Check that the credentials exist and can be retrieved from .Renviron file:
requires driver, host, username, password, dbname, and port exist -
Check that connection to OMOP EHR server and database can be made:
uses the above credentails -
Check to ensure all required OMOP tables exist and contain (any) data:
the required tables are:
- if any of the above tables are missing, a warning message will be produced and the package will not be able to load properly.
- if any of the above tables exist, but do not contain any data, a warning message will be produced but the package will still be able to function.
Successfully pasing all checks will allow the user to begin using ROMOP.
- Set an output directory to use with the changeOutDirectory function (note: the default output directory will be declared on package load).
- Create/load the Data ontology (required to decode data types) using the makeDataOntology. For the first time running this package, the concept ontology will have to first be built, but if the store_ontology option is selected, the ontology will be saved as an .rds file for subsequent loading.
Description: Retrieves and formats patient demographic data from the person and death tables. Option to restrict to patientlist of interest.
Usage: ptDemo <- getDemographics(patient_list=NULL,declare=TRUE)
patient_list comma-separated string of patient ids
a provdied patientlist will restrict search to ids. NULL will
return demographic data for all available patients
declare TRUE/FALSE
if TRUE, outputs status and updates to the screen
Returns a data.table with demographic data: person_id, birth_datetime, age, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, death_date, Status (Alive/Deceased)
- patient_list should be in the following format: “patient_id_1, patient_id_2, …”
Description: Retrieves and formats patient encounter data from the visit_occurrence table. Requires patientlist input.
Usage: ptEncs <- getEncounters(patient_list,declare=TRUE)
patient_list comma-separated string of patient ids
searches for all encounter data for the patientlist inout.
declare TRUE/FALSE
if TRUE, outputs status and updates to the screen
Returns a data.table with encounter data: person_id, visit_occurrence_id, visit_start_datetime, visit_end_datetime, visit_source_value, visit_concept, visit_source_concept, admitting_concept, discharge_concept
- patient_list should be in the following format: “patient_id_1, patient_id_2, …”
Description: Retrieves all relevant clinical data for individuals in a patientlist. Wrapper for domain-specific getData functions (which can also be used separately).
Usage: ptClinicalData <- getClinicalData(patient_list, declare=TRUE)
patient_list comma-separated string of patient ids
a provdied patientlist will restrict search to ids. NULL will
return demographic data for all available patients
declare TRUE/FALSE
if TRUE, outputs status and updates to the screen
Returns a list of data.tables stratified by domain type (e.g.,
ptClinicalData$Condition, ptClinicalData$Observation, etc…)
- patient_list should be in the following format: “patient_id_1, patient_id_2, …”
- getClinicalData calls domain-specific getData functions for the following domains: Observation, Condition, Procedure, Medication (Drug), Measurement, and Device. Each function can also be run individually (e.g, getConditions; getMedications).
- In addition to datetimes, visit_occurrence_ids,
_concept_ids and _source_concept_ids, other
domain-specific concepts and values are retrieved and mapped:
- Observation: observation_type_concept, value_as_number, value_as_string, value_as_concept, unit_source_value
- Condition: condition_type_concept, condition_status
- Procedure: procedure_type_concept, quantity,
- Medication: drug_type_concept, stop_reason, refills, quantity, days_supply, sig, route_concept, effective_drug_dose, dose_unit_concept, route_source_value, frequency, frequency_unit, rx_quantity_unit_source_value
- Measurement: measurement_type_concept, value_as_number, value_as_concept, unit_concept
- Device: device_type_concept
Description: Main function to identify patients based on clinical data inclusion (and exclusion, if desired) criteria. Flexible to allow for multiple data types, vocabularies, and concepts.
Usage: patientlist <- findPatients(strategy_in=“mapped”, vocabulary_in, codes_in, function_in = “or”, strategy_out = NULL, vocabulary_out = NULL, codes_out = NULL, function_out = NULL, declare=FALSE, save=FALSE, out_name=NULL)
strategy_in mapped or direct
dictates the strategy for how inclusion criteria are treated
(see Details).
vocabulary_in vocabularies for inclusion criteria
comma-separated string of relevant vocabularies for inclusion
criteria (see Details).
codes_in specific concept codes for inclusion criteria
semi-colon separated string of code concepts for inclusion
criteria, corresponding to the order for vocabulary_in. Multiple codes
can be used per vocabulary and should be comma-separated (see Details).
function_in and or or
dictates how multiple inclusion should be treated. and
necessitates that all inclusion criteria are met (i.e., intersection),
while or allows for any critera to be met (i.e., union) (see Details).
strategy_out mapped or direct or NULL (default)
dictates the strategy for how exclusion are treated. NULL
indicates no exclusion criteria.
vocabulary_out vocabularies for exclusion criteria or NULL
comma-separated string of relevant vocabularies for exclusion
criteria. NULL indicates no exclusion criteria.
codes_out specific concept codes for exclusion criteria or
NULL (default)
semi-colon separated string of code concepts for inclusion
criteria, corresponding to the order for vocabulary_out. Multiple codes
can be used per vocabulary and should be comma-separated. NULL indicates
no exclusion criteria.
function_out and or or or NULL
dictates how multiple exclusion should be treated. and
necessitates that all exclusion criteria are met (i.e., intersection),
while or allows for any critera to be met (i.e., union). NULL
indicates no exclusion criteria.
declare TRUE/FALSE
if TRUE, outputs status and updates to the screen.
if TRUE, various query output saved to outDirectory (see
out_name name assigned to search query or NULL
if save == TRUE, saves query using provided name. If the
provided name already exists as a directory (or is NULL), the directory
defaults to datetime name (see Details).
Returns a list of patients that meet inclusion criteria (and not
exclusion criteria if entered).
- direct strategy queries the concepts directly by _source_concept in clinical tables. mapped maps to common ontology (via concept_synonym) and identifies relevant descendants (via concept_ancestor) to search for in _concept fields.
- the exploreConcepts function can be used to find ideal concepts to search for.
- vocabulary_ input for multiple inputs should use relevant vocabularies (see showDataTypes ) as a comma-separated string, e.g., “ATC, ICD10CM, SNOMED”.
- codes_ input correspond to the order as the vocabulary_ input and should be semi-comma separated string in the same order as above. Multiple terms per vocabulary type should be comma-separated. e.g., “A01A; K50, K51; 235599003” correspond to “A01A” for ATC, “K50” and “K51” for ICD10CM, and “235599003” for SNOMED.
- function_ corresponds to how criteria should be treated. and necessitates patients meet all criteria while or allows for patients to meet any of the criteria.
- Please note that if no standard common concepts are found per search domain, a warning message will appear and the search will not be able to be performed (see Helpful Hints for more details.)
- if save == TRUE, the following information is saved in a directory
per query:
- query: all arguments for the search.
- _criteria_mapped: all original criteria for inclusion (and exclusion if applicable) that are mapped to dataOntology.
- criteria_mapped_concepts: all mapped concepts used for inclusion (and exclusion if applicable) that are used to search in clinical data tables. Additionally, the pt_count column displays the number of unique patients that have a record with the corresponding concept.
- outcome: results of the search (most relevant when exclusion criteria are applied).
- patient_list: list of patients that meet inclusion (and not exclusion, if applicable) criteria.
Description: Sets the current outDirectory which will store the Data Ontology and all function output. Option to create directory if does not exist.
Usage: changeOutDirectory(outdir=“path/to/directory”, create=FALSE)
outdir directory path
will create the directory if it does not exist
Nothing returned; simply sets (and creates if set to) output
- If directory does not exist and create=FALSE, a warning message will appear and the output directory will not be changed.
Description: Creates general Data Ontology used by all data tables from the concept table. Option to save/load.
Usage: dataOntology <- makeDataOntology(declare=TRUE,store_ontology=FALSE)
declare TRUE/FALSE
if TRUE, outputs status and updates to the screen
store_ontology TRUE/FALSE
if TRUE, will save/load the ontology instead of active querying
Returns a data.table with concept data.
- Generating the Data Ontology takes ~31.2 secs and is ~491.6 Mb.
- If declare == TRUE, the following information will be returned:
Retrieving concept data...
Concept data loaded; data found for:
## unique domains.
## unique vocabularies.
### unique concept classes.
- If store_ontology == TRUE, attempts to load from memory (in the outDirectory) and saves if does not exist (~53 Mb). Loading takes ~8 secs.
Description: Summarizes patient demographic data from the getDemographics function.
Usage: summarizeDemographics(ptDemo)
ptDemo patient demographics table
ptDemo is the patient demographics object from the
getDemographics function output
N/A; outputs message with descriptive summary statistics for the relevant patient demographic data.
Description: Details relevant vocabularies per domain. Requires dataOntology to have been created (via makeDataOntology).
Usage: showDataTypes()
Returns a table of vocabularies contained within clinical domains: Condition, Observation, Measurement, Device, Procedure, Drug.
Description: For given vocabulary and concept, returns the mapped standard concept(s) as well as decendent concept(s)
Usage: conceptsInfo <- exploreConcepts(vocabulary, codes)
vocabulary vocabulary
comma-separated string of relevant vocabularies for inclusion
criteria (see Details).
codes concept codes
semi-colon separated string of code concepts for inclusion
criteria, corresponding to the order for vocabulary. Multiple codes can
be used per vocabulary and should be comma-separated (see Details).
Returns a table of concepts contained under (i.e., below in the heirarchy) the query concept.
- vocabulary input for multiple inputs should use relevant vocabularies (see showDataTypes ) as a comma-separated string, e.g., “ATC, ICD10CM”.
- codes input correspond to the order as the vocabulary input and should be semi-comma separated string in the same order as above. Multiple terms per vocabulary type should be comma-separated. e.g., “A01A; K50, K51” correspond to “A01A” for ATC and “K50” and “K51” for ICD10CM.
Both simple and advanced findPatients queries will be outlined. See the Output section for description of output if save == TRUE. For the process timing provided, all queries were run on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance.
- Disease category (ICD10CM): find all “Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus” patients (E11)
Here we will set a single inclusion criterion. The inclusion vocbulary is set to ICD10CM and the inclusion code is E11 corresponding to the vocabulary. Because the inclusion strategy is set as “mapped”, ROMOP will map the ICD10CM code to a common ontology (SNOMED) term and find all descendants to search for (see Code Breakdown for details on how this works).
patient_list = findPatients(strategy_in="mapped", vocabulary_in = "ICD10CM", codes_in = "E11")
time: 15.3 secs
- Specific disease (ICD9CM): find all patients with “Diabetes with ketoacidosis, type I [juvenile type], not stated as uncontrolled” only (250.11)
Here we will search for patients that have the specific ICD9CM code 250.11 only, i.e., not map to common ontology (see Code Breakdown for the importance of this distiction).
patient_list = findPatients(strategy_in="direct", vocabulary_in = "ICD9CM", codes_in = "250.11")
time: 1.1 min
- Multiple diseases (ICD10CM): find all patients with “Essential (primary) hypertension” (I10) and “Angina pectoris with documented spasm” (I20.1)
Here we will search for patients that have the multiple ICD10CM codes. While we put a single inclusion vocabulary, we will put two inclusion codes separated by a comma. Also we set the inclusion function to “and” which requires both criteria to be met.
patient_list = findPatients(strategy_in="mapped", vocabulary_in = "ICD10CM", codes_in = "I10, I20.1", function_in = "and")
time: 23.8 secs
- Drug class (ATC): find all patients prescribed with any “Serotonin receptor antagonists” (A03AE)
Here we will search for patients by drug ATC code. As the inclusion strategy is set to “mapped”, all drugs that fall into this category will automatically be identified and searched for (see Code Breakdown for details on how this works).
patient_list = findPatients(strategy_in="mapped", vocabulary_in = "ATC", codes_in = "A03AE")
time: 1.1 secs
- Disease category (ICD10CM) but not Drug (MeSH): find all patients with “Other anxiety disorders” (F31), but not prescribed with “Clonazepam” (D002998)
Here we will search for patients by ICD10CM code as before. We also identify all patients prescribed with the MeSH term for “Clonazepam”, which will be removed from the original list.
patient_list = findPatients(strategy_in="mapped", vocabulary_in = "ICD10CM", codes_in = "F41", strategy_out="mapped", vocabulary_out = "MeSH", codes_out = "D002998", function_out = "and")
time: 16.5 secs
- Multiple disease categories (ICD10CM) and lab test (LOINC) but not multiple disease categories (ICD10CM) nor drug class (RxNorm): find all patients with “Crohn’s disease” (F31) and “Malignant neoplasm of prostate” (C61) with “CBC W Auto Differential panel - Blood” (57021-8), but not “Gastroenteritis and colitis due to radiation” (K52.0) nor “Allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis” (K52.2) nor prescribed with any “Aminosalicylate” (113374)
Here we will search for patients by ICD10CM code as before. We also identify all patients prescribed with the MeSH term for “Clonazepam”, which will be removed from the original list.
vocabulary_in = "ICD10CM, LOINC"
codes_in = "K50;C61, 57021-8"
vocabulary_out = "ICD10CM, RxNorm"
codes_out = "K52.0; K52.2, 113374"
patient_list = findPatients(strategy_in="mapped", vocabulary_in = vocabulary_in, codes_in = codes_in, function_in = "and", strategy_out="mapped", vocabulary_out = vocabulary_out, codes_out = codes_out, function_out = "or")
time: 5.9 mins
All output is saved in the output directory (use changeOutDirectory to set). Additionally, the data ontology file will be loaded from here and saved if set to using the makeDataOntology](#makedataontology) function.
If save==TRUE is selected for findPatients queries,
various information will be saved in a created query-specific directory
within the outDirectory:
+ query: all arguments for the search. + _criteria_mapped: all
original criteria for inclusion (and exclusion if applicable) that are
mapped to dataOntology. + criteria_mapped_concepts: all mapped
concepts used for inclusion (and exclusion if applicable) that are used
to search in clinical data tables. Additionally, the pt_count column
displays the number of unique patients that have a record with the
corresponding concept.
+ outcome: results of the search (most relevant when exclusion criteria
are applied).
+ patient_list: list of patients that meet inclusion (and not
exclusion, if applicable) criteria.
We will detail the respective output files that are derived from Simple Examples #5:
cat query.txt
inclusion strategy: mapped
inclusion vocabularies: ICD10CM
inclusion codes: F41
inclusion function: or
exclusion strategy: mapped
exclusion vocabularies: MeSH
exclusion codes: D002998
exclusion function: and
cat inclusion_criteria_mapped.txt
codes vocabularies concept_id concept_name domain_id vocabulary_id concept_class_id
F41 ICD10CM 1568230 Other anxiety disorders Condition ICD10CM 3-char nonbill code
head inclusion_criteria_mapped_concepts.txt
descendant_concept_id ancestor_concept_id concept_name domain_id vocabulary_id concept_class_id concept_code pt_count
381537 442077 Organic anxiety disorder Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 17496003 NA
432600 442077 Stress reaction causing mixed disturbance of emotion and conduct Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 192044009 NA
433178 442077 Anxiety disorder of childhood OR adolescence Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 109006 NA
434613 442077 Generalized anxiety disorder Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 21897009 NA
434628 442077 Separation anxiety Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 126943008 NA
436074 442077 Panic disorder Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 371631005 NA
436390 442077 Psychogenic rumination Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 192014006 NA
436676 442077 Posttraumatic stress disorder Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 47505003 NA
437537 442077 Shyness disorder of childhood Condition SNOMED Clinical Finding 83253003 NA
cat exclusion_criteria_mapped.txt
codes vocabularies concept_id concept_name domain_id vocabulary_id concept_class_id
D002998 MeSH 45612901 Clonazepam Drug MeSH Main Heading
head exclusion_criteria_mapped_concepts.txt
descendant_concept_id ancestor_concept_id concept_name domain_id vocabulary_id concept_class_id concept_code pt_count
798874 798874 Clonazepam Drug RxNorm Ingredient 2598 NA
798875 798874 Clonazepam 0.5 MG Oral Tablet Drug RxNorm Clinical Drug 197527 NA
798876 798874 Clonazepam 1 MG Oral Tablet Drug RxNorm Clinical Drug 197528 NA
798877 798874 Clonazepam 2 MG Oral Tablet Drug RxNorm Clinical Drug 197529 NA
798893 798874 Clonazepam 0.125 MG Oral Tablet [Klonopin] Drug RxNorm Branded Drug 211761 NA
798894 798874 Clonazepam 0.25 MG Oral Tablet [Klonopin] Drug RxNorm Branded Drug 211762 NA
798896 798874 Clonazepam 1 MG/ML Injectable Solution Drug RxNorm Clinical Drug 249943 NA
798897 798874 Clonazepam 0.5 MG Drug RxNorm Clinical Drug Comp 315699 NA
798899 798874 Clonazepam 2 MG Drug RxNorm Clinical Drug Comp 317336 NA
cat outcome.txt
# patients found from the inclusion criteria ONLY.
# patients found from the exclusion criteria ONLY.
# overlapping patients excluded from the original inclusion input based on the exclusion criteria.
# patients found that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
head patient_list.txt
ROMOP first requires the creation a data dictionary (using makeDataOntology function) of the ontology (from concept table) that is referenced and utilized to map to all concepts for all functions. Using this ontology, all searches and extractions are optimized to only query tables in which the data could be found.
The majority of data in clinical tables are stored as concepts. When data is extracted, ROMOP first maps the relevant concepts (e.g., device_type_concept_id) to the data dictionary and then returns the mapped concepts to the user.
In the OMOP data structure, there is a distinction between how concepts are recorded and what can be directly searched for. For instance, if the user is interested in the medication idelalisib, it is not possible to directly identify records by searching for the general concept (e.g., RxNorm code 1544460) as the data are recorded by the bottom-most (i.e., most specific) concepts of the hierarchy (e.g., idelalisib 150 MG Delayed Release Oral Tablet). The hierarchical structure of these concepts in the OMOP CDM back-end, however, facilitates more powerful searches. In most extracted EHR systems, the user has to define all medications to search, for instance through a pre-populated list or by wildcard string matching (e.g., all drug names LIKE “%statin%”). This strategy is ultimately not ideal as it is not extensible to other systems (e.g., one system might prescribe a version or formulation of a drug that is in not in another) and requires extensive manual quality-control (e.g., removing “nystatin” drugs from the string matching results). For the findPatients function, if the “mapped” option is selected, searching for a broad code like ATC level 3 code A05A (bile therapies), or even a specific term code like RxNorm code 1544460 for idelalisib, will automatically identify and query for all bottom-level (e.g., idelalisib 150 MG Delayed Release Oral Tablet) codes contained underneath that seed concept. This works by ROMOP first mapping the initial search criteria to a standard concept (SNOMED or RxNorm) and finding all descendants underneath it. Another benefit to this “mapped” option is that terms are not reliant on how the data were originally entered. For instance, if a health system switches from ICD-9CM to ICD-10CM coding, there might be discrepancies in prevalence of codes over time. Mapping to a common concept, however, often alleviates this issue as codes from both vocabularies are typically linked to a common code in the standard vocabulary. Of course the user can search for the concepts they entered only using the “direct” option (i.e., search for ICD-9CM code 230.0 only).
- We recommend using the mapped argument for the findPatients function because the concepts will not depend on by which format the data was entered (i.e., the source_concept). This is important as diffierent institutions may utilize different underlying terminologies, as well as switch primary data entry vocabularies over time (i.e., the switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10). For example, if the user is interested in “Trigeminal neuralgia”, using the ICD-10 code “G50.1” with the direct argument, all prior entries that utilized the corresponding ICD-9 code (“350.1”) most likely will not be found as many data warehouses do not “back-map” codes. Using the mapped argument will bypass this issue as the standard concept will be used which should capture both options.
- Standard vocabularies: while the OMOP common data model utilizes many ontologies, SNOMED and RxNorm are used primarily for common concepts in the clincal data tables. As such, while any vocabulary can be used for findPatients, the mapped function will only be able to find data contained within the following common concepts per domain:
## domain_type concepts
## 1 Measurement LOINC,SNOMED,CPT4
## 2 Condition SNOMED
## 3 Drug RxNorm,CPT4,NDC
## 4 Observation SNOMED,CPT4,LOINC,HCPCS
## 5 Device SNOMED,HCPCS
## 6 Procedure SNOMED,CPT4,HCPCS
Consequently, if inclusion/exclusion criteria can be be mapped to the data ontology, but no synonym/descendants are contained within the above common concepts, no search will be performed (as no patients would be returned). This most directly affects searching for Drug concepts, in which we reccommend not using standard common concepts (e.g., RxNorm, ATC) for search criteria.
- To ensure complete capture of data concepts of interest, we recommend identifying multiple vocabulary/codes to use using the Athena resource. For instance, if interested in finding all individuals taking a Benzodiazepine, consider using both the relevant ATC classes (e.g., N03AE) as well as the relevant Substance (SNOMED) codes (e.g., 16047007). The exploreConcepts function can be used to identify and prioiritize which codes are optimal to use.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Benjamin S. Glicksberg
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
For questions, comments, errors, bug reports, or issues, please contact:
For general correspondance, please contact: