Challenge Link : (
Hi! This is a single-page Web Application developed to view the population and movement of animal species via Ag-Grid tables.
Technologies Used : Java Springboot, PostgreSQL, Angular, HTML, CSS, Typescript, Bootstrap.
Author : Rishikesh Pravin Yelne
The Application is a single-page web application and all activities are asynchronously performed, ie. the whole page is not refreshed/reloaded. Following are the main activities:
- Population
- List of all premises is loaded in an Ag-Grid which shows all details about the Premise.
- Details include: Name, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Latitude & Longitude.
- The grid also contains the current total count of animals present at the premise.
- Movement
- List of all movement records is loaded in an Ag-Grid which shows all movement related details.
- Details include: Company Name, Species, Reason, Moved Count, Start Date, Origin Premise Id & Destination Premise Id.
- A provision to add a movement record is provided within the component, which adds a row within the grid (without reloading the webpage or the whole grid).
- Java:
- For the backend, Java is required to be installed on the system.
- Installation link is available here in Backend/Java Springboot section.
- Ensure that the
environment variable is configured. - To check if Java has been installed correctly on the system, run the following command on cmd.
java -version
- Maven:
- Maven needs to be installed to run the command which would publish the web application on localhost.
- Installation link is available here in Backend/Java Springboot section.
- You can download the zip file, unzip it and paste it in the Program Files folder.
- Additionally, add the path of bin folder to the
environment variable. - To check if Maven has been installed correctly on the system, run the following command on cmd.
mvn -v
- Node.js:
- Node.js needs to be installed to run the Angular application on the system.
- Installation link is available here in Frontend/Node.js section.
- To check if Node.js has been installed correctly on the system, run the following command on cmd.
node -v npm -v
- Along with Node.js, Angular CLI needs to be installed as well.
- To install Angular CLI, run the following command in cmd (After installation of Node and NPM).
npm install -g @angular/cli
- To check if CLI has been installed correctly on the system, run the following command on cmd.
ng v
- PostgreSQL:
- PostgreSQL needs to be installed on the system to run the script file provided here.
- Installation link is available here in Backend/PostgreSQL section.
- Additionally, add the path of bin folder to the
environment variable. - To check if PostgreSQL has been installed correctly on the system, run the following command on cmd.
psql --version
- After successful installation of PostgreSQL, execute the following script in cmd.
psql -h localhost -d postgres -U postgres -p 5432 -a -q -f <Local_Repo_Location>/ProgrammingChallenge/db-scripts.psql
Please note: You might be prompted to provide the password for postgres user in cmd to execute the script.
Please note: Replace <Local_Repo_Location> with the file path at which this GitHub repository has been cloned.
- Before running the application, modify the file with the password configured for
spring.datasource.password=postgres //modify the password here
To run the application, following commands are required to be executed
cd <Local_Repo_Location>/ProgrammingChallenge/prog-challenge-backend-java
mvnw spring-boot:run
After the backend is up and running
cd <Local_Repo_Location>/ProgrammingChallenge/prog-challege-frontend-angular
npm install
ng serve --open
Please note: Replace <Local_Repo_Location> with the file path at which this GitHub repository has been cloned.
- Backend
- Java Springboot
- PostgreSQL
- Postman - Download Setup
- Frontend
- Node.js
- Angular - Documentation
- Ag Grid - Angular - Documentation
- Bootstrap - Documentation
- Icons
The Demo folder contains the screen recording of the application to demonstrate the various features of the application.