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Releases: rgladwell/m2e-android

Feature release version 1.4.0.

24 Jul 07:47
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Feature release version includes support for Eclipse Mars and m2e version 1.6, as well as various bug fixes and support for the manifest-merger android-maven-plugin goal.

Bug fix release version 1.3.2

17 May 13:08
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Bug fix release version 1.3.2 that fixes a couple regressions introduced by the download sources/Javadocs feature.

If you're using m2e-android commercially or you'd like to see more frequent releases please consider crowdfunding development through my Patreon profile.

Bug fix release version 1.3.1

29 Apr 12:04
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Bug fix release version 1.3.1 that fixes a couple of issues including:

If you're using m2e-android commercially or you'd like to see more frequent releases please consider crowdfunding development through my Patreon profile.

Feature release version 1.3.0.

20 Apr 10:55
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Feature release version 1.3.0 adds two important new features and some minor features/fixes including:

If you're using m2e-android commercially or you'd like to see more frequent releases please consider crowdfunding development through my Patreon profile.

Bug fix version 1.2.1

13 Jan 14:53
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Bug fix version 1.2.1 fixes issues with Eclipse workspace "symlinks" created to support the new Gradle project layouts in android-maven-plugin version 4.0+.

This includes making workspace symlinks relative and only creating links when resources exist.

If you're using m2e-android commercially or you'd like to see more frequent releases please consider crowdfunding development through my Patreon profile.

Release Version 1.2.0

24 Dec 13:39
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Feature release version 1.2.0 includes:

  • Added compatibility with android-maven-plugin 4.x, including support for standardised project layouts (as defined by Maven and as used by the new Android Gradle plugin).
  • Removed explicit dependency on Aether API simplifying build.

As well as other minor bug fixes. If you're using m2e-android commercially or you'd like to see more frequent releases please consider crowdfunding development through my Patreon profile.

Version 1.1.0

24 Aug 18:28
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Feature release with support for Eclipse Luna, which also includes support for the android-maven-plugin resourceDirectory and androidManifestFile configuration directives.( as well as several bug fixes and enhancements such as improvements to logging for better bug forensics.

If you're using m2e-android commercially or you'd like to see more frequent releases please consider crowdfunding development through my Patreon profile.

Version 1.0.1

30 Apr 16:45
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Bug fix release which includes various fixes and minor enhancements including:

If you're using m2e-android commercially or you'd like to see more frequent releases please consider crowdfunding development through my Patreon profile.

Version 1.0.0

17 Apr 14:06
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First stable release includes full support for unit tests, including support for Robolectric. Also, the following updates:

As well as other minor bugs and enhancements.

Version 0.4.3

17 Apr 12:46
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This release includes full support for Maven/Android libraries. Additionally, the following updates are included:

  • Added support for configuring location of assets folder.
  • Fixed bug where relativised paths for dependent Android Libraries was not being detected properly.
  • Minor bug fixes.