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test: Darkpool.t.sol: Add update wallet tests (#50)
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* libraries: darkpool: Use nullifier set in darkpool

* test: Darkpool.t.sol: Add update wallet tests
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joeykraut authored Mar 4, 2025
1 parent 612b1fc commit e04f160
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Showing 7 changed files with 210 additions and 43 deletions.
50 changes: 43 additions & 7 deletions src/Darkpool.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ import {
} from "./libraries/darkpool/PublicInputs.sol";
import { MerkleTreeLib } from "./libraries/merkle/MerkleTree.sol";
import { NullifierLib } from "./libraries/darkpool/NullifierSet.sol";

// Use the StatementSerializer for all statements
using StatementSerializer for ValidWalletCreateStatement;
using MerkleTreeLib for MerkleTreeLib.MerkleTree;
using NullifierLib for NullifierLib.NullifierSet;

contract Darkpool {
/// @notice The hasher for the darkpool
Expand All @@ -26,17 +26,46 @@ contract Darkpool {
IVerifier public verifier;

/// @notice The Merkle tree for wallet commitments
MerkleTreeLib.MerkleTree public walletTree;
MerkleTreeLib.MerkleTree private merkleTree;
/// @notice The nullifier set for the darkpool
/// @dev Each time a wallet is updated (placing an order, settling a match, depositing, etc) a nullifier is spent.
/// @dev This ensures that a pre-update wallet cannot create two separate post-update wallets in the Merkle state
/// @dev The nullifier is computed deterministically from the shares of the pre-update wallet
NullifierLib.NullifierSet private nullifierSet;

/// @notice The constructor for the darkpool
/// @param hasher_ The hasher for the darkpool
/// @param verifier_ The verifier for the darkpool
constructor(IHasher hasher_, IVerifier verifier_) {
hasher = hasher_;
verifier = verifier_;

// --- State Getters --- //

/// @notice Get the current Merkle root
/// @return The current Merkle root
function getMerkleRoot() public view returns (BN254.ScalarField) {
return merkleTree.root;

/// @notice Check whether a root is in the Merkle root history
/// @param root The root to check
/// @return Whether the root is in the history
function rootInHistory(BN254.ScalarField root) public view returns (bool) {
return merkleTree.rootHistory[root];

/// @notice Check whether a nullifier has been spent
/// @param nullifier The nullifier to check
/// @return Whether the nullifier has been spent
function nullifierSpent(BN254.ScalarField nullifier) public view returns (bool) {
return nullifierSet.isSpent(nullifier);

// --- Core Wallet Methods --- //

/// @notice Create a wallet in the darkpool
/// @param statement The statement to verify
/// @param proof The proof of `VALID WALLET CREATE`
Expand All @@ -47,22 +76,29 @@ contract Darkpool {
// 2. Compute a commitment to the wallet shares, and insert into the Merkle tree
BN254.ScalarField walletCommitment =
computeWalletCommitment(statement.publicShares, statement.privateShareCommitment);
walletTree.insertLeaf(walletCommitment, hasher);
merkleTree.insertLeaf(walletCommitment, hasher);

/// @notice Update a wallet in the darkpool
/// @param statement The statement to verify
/// @param proof The proof of `VALID WALLET UPDATE`
function updateWallet(ValidWalletUpdateStatement memory statement, PlonkProof memory proof) public {
// 1. Verify the proof
// 1. Verify the Merkle root to which the pre-update wallet's inclusion proof opens,
// and check that the nullifier has not been spent
require(merkleTree.rootInHistory(statement.merkleRoot), "Invalid Merkle root");

// 2. Verify the proof
verifier.verifyValidWalletUpdate(statement, proof);

// 2. Compute a commitment to the wallet shares, and insert into the Merkle tree
BN254.ScalarField walletCommitment =
computeWalletCommitment(statement.newPublicShares, statement.newPrivateShareCommitment);
walletTree.insertLeaf(walletCommitment, hasher);
merkleTree.insertLeaf(walletCommitment, hasher);

// --- Helper Methods --- //

/// @dev Compute a commitment to a wallet's shares
function computeWalletCommitment(
BN254.ScalarField[] memory publicShares,
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/libraries/darkpool/NullifierSet.sol
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Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import { BN254 } from "solidity-bn254/BN254.sol";
/// @title NullifierSet
/// @notice Tracks the set of spent nullifiers in the darkpool, ensuring that a pre-update wallet
/// @notice cannot create two separate post-update wallets
library Nullifiers {
using Nullifiers for Nullifiers.NullifierSet;
library NullifierLib {
using NullifierLib for NullifierLib.NullifierSet;

/// @notice The nullifiers in the set
struct NullifierSet {
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/libraries/darkpool/PublicInputs.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ library StatementSerializer {
using StatementSerializer for ExternalTransfer;
using StatementSerializer for PublicRootKey;

/// @notice The number of scalar field elements in a ValidWalletCreateStatement
uint256 constant VALID_WALLET_CREATE_SCALAR_SIZE = 71;
/// @notice The number of scalar field elements in a ValidWalletUpdateStatement
uint256 constant VALID_WALLET_UPDATE_SCALAR_SIZE = 81;

// --- Valid Wallet Create --- //

/// @notice Serializes a ValidWalletCreateStatement into an array of scalar field elements
Expand All @@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ library StatementSerializer {
returns (BN254.ScalarField[] memory)
// Create array with size = 1 (for privateShareCommitment) + publicShares.length
BN254.ScalarField[] memory serialized = new BN254.ScalarField[](1 + self.publicShares.length);
BN254.ScalarField[] memory serialized = new BN254.ScalarField[](VALID_WALLET_CREATE_SCALAR_SIZE);

// Add the wallet commitment
serialized[0] = self.privateShareCommitment;
Expand All @@ -79,7 +84,7 @@ library StatementSerializer {
returns (BN254.ScalarField[] memory)
BN254.ScalarField[] memory serialized = new BN254.ScalarField[](1 + 1 + self.newPublicShares.length);
BN254.ScalarField[] memory serialized = new BN254.ScalarField[](VALID_WALLET_UPDATE_SCALAR_SIZE);
serialized[0] = self.previousNullifier;
serialized[1] = self.newPrivateShareCommitment;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +119,7 @@ library StatementSerializer {
serialized[0] = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(uint256(uint160(self.account)));
serialized[1] = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(uint256(uint160(;
serialized[2] = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(self.amount);
serialized[3] = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(self.timestamp);
serialized[3] = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(uint256(self.transferType));

return serialized;
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/libraries/darkpool/Types.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ struct ExternalTransfer {
address mint;
/// @dev The amount of the transfer
uint256 amount;
/// @dev The timestamp of the transfer
uint256 timestamp;
/// @dev Indicates if it's a deposit or withdrawal
TransferType transferType;
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79 changes: 50 additions & 29 deletions test/Darkpool.t.sol
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Expand Up @@ -4,22 +4,23 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import { BN254 } from "solidity-bn254/BN254.sol";
import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { TestUtils } from "./utils/TestUtils.sol";
import { CalldataUtils } from "./utils/CalldataUtils.sol";
import { HuffDeployer } from "foundry-huff/HuffDeployer.sol";
import { console2 } from "forge-std/console2.sol";

import { PlonkProof } from "../src/libraries/verifier/Types.sol";
import { Darkpool } from "../src/Darkpool.sol";
import { Nullifiers } from "../src/libraries/darkpool/NullifierSet.sol";
import { NullifierLib } from "../src/libraries/darkpool/NullifierSet.sol";
import { IHasher } from "../src/libraries/poseidon2/IHasher.sol";
import { IVerifier } from "../src/libraries/verifier/IVerifier.sol";
import { TestVerifier } from "./test-contracts/TestVerifier.sol";
import { ValidWalletCreateStatement } from "../src/libraries/darkpool/PublicInputs.sol";
import { ValidWalletCreateStatement, ValidWalletUpdateStatement } from "../src/libraries/darkpool/PublicInputs.sol";

contract DarkpoolTest is TestUtils {
using Nullifiers for Nullifiers.NullifierSet;
contract DarkpoolTest is CalldataUtils {
using NullifierLib for NullifierLib.NullifierSet;

Darkpool public darkpool;
Nullifiers.NullifierSet private testNullifierSet;
NullifierLib.NullifierSet private testNullifierSet;

function setUp() public {
IHasher hasher = IHasher(HuffDeployer.deploy("libraries/poseidon2/poseidonHasher"));
Expand All @@ -46,30 +47,50 @@ contract DarkpoolTest is TestUtils {

/// @notice Test creating a wallet
function test_createWallet() public {
BN254.ScalarField dummyScalar = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(1);
BN254.G1Point memory dummyPoint = BN254.P1();
BN254.ScalarField[] memory publicInputs = new BN254.ScalarField[](1);
publicInputs[0] = dummyScalar;

PlonkProof memory proof = PlonkProof({
wire_comms: [dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint],
z_comm: dummyPoint,
quotient_comms: [dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint],
w_zeta: dummyPoint,
w_zeta_omega: dummyPoint,
wire_evals: [dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar],
sigma_evals: [dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar],
z_bar: dummyScalar

BN254.ScalarField privateShareCommitment = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(randomFelt());
BN254.ScalarField[] memory publicShares = randomWalletShares();
ValidWalletCreateStatement memory statement =
ValidWalletCreateStatement({ privateShareCommitment: privateShareCommitment, publicShares: publicShares });

uint256 gasStart = gasleft();
(ValidWalletCreateStatement memory statement, PlonkProof memory proof) = createWalletCalldata();
darkpool.createWallet(statement, proof);
uint256 gasEnd = gasleft();
console2.log("Gas used:", gasStart - gasEnd);

/// @notice Test updating a wallet
function test_updateWallet_validUpdate() public {
// Setup calldata
(ValidWalletUpdateStatement memory statement, PlonkProof memory proof) = updateWalletCalldata();

// Modify the merkle root to be valid
BN254.ScalarField currRoot = darkpool.getMerkleRoot();
statement.merkleRoot = currRoot;

// Update the wallet
darkpool.updateWallet(statement, proof);

/// @notice Test updating a wallet with an invalid Merkle root
function test_updateWallet_invalidMerkleRoot() public {
// Setup calldata
(ValidWalletUpdateStatement memory statement, PlonkProof memory proof) = updateWalletCalldata();

// Modify the merkle root to be invalid
statement.merkleRoot = randomScalar();

// Should fail
vm.expectRevert("Invalid Merkle root");
darkpool.updateWallet(statement, proof);

/// @notice Test updating a wallet with a spent nullifier
function test_updateWallet_spentNullifier() public {
// Setup calldata
(ValidWalletUpdateStatement memory statement, PlonkProof memory proof) = updateWalletCalldata();

// Modify the merkle root to be valid
BN254.ScalarField currRoot = darkpool.getMerkleRoot();
statement.merkleRoot = currRoot;

// First update should succeed
darkpool.updateWallet(statement, proof);

// Second update with same nullifier should fail
vm.expectRevert("Nullifier already spent");
darkpool.updateWallet(statement, proof);
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions test/utils/CalldataUtils.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import { BN254 } from "solidity-bn254/BN254.sol";
import { Vm } from "forge-std/Vm.sol";
import { TestUtils, uintToScalarWords } from "./TestUtils.sol";
import { PlonkProof } from "../../src/libraries/verifier/Types.sol";
import { ExternalTransfer, PublicRootKey, TransferType } from "../../src/libraries/darkpool/Types.sol";
import { ValidWalletCreateStatement, ValidWalletUpdateStatement } from "../../src/libraries/darkpool/PublicInputs.sol";

// Utilities for generating darkpool calldata

contract CalldataUtils is TestUtils {
/// @dev The first testing address
address public constant DUMMY_ADDRESS = address(0x1);
/// @dev A dummy wallet address
address public constant DUMMY_WALLET_ADDRESS = address(0x2);

// ---------------------
// | Darkpool Calldata |
// ---------------------

/// @notice Generate calldata for creating a wallet
function createWalletCalldata()
returns (ValidWalletCreateStatement memory statement, PlonkProof memory proof)
statement = ValidWalletCreateStatement({
privateShareCommitment: BN254.ScalarField.wrap(randomFelt()),
publicShares: randomWalletShares()
proof = dummyPlonkProof();

/// @notice Generate calldata for updating a wallet
function updateWalletCalldata()
returns (ValidWalletUpdateStatement memory statement, PlonkProof memory proof)
statement = ValidWalletUpdateStatement({
previousNullifier: randomScalar(),
newPublicShares: randomWalletShares(),
newPrivateShareCommitment: randomScalar(),
merkleRoot: randomScalar(),
externalTransfer: emptyExternalTransfer(),
oldPkRoot: randomRootKey()
proof = dummyPlonkProof();

// ------------------
// | Calldata Types |
// ------------------

/// @notice Generate an empty external transfer
function emptyExternalTransfer() internal pure returns (ExternalTransfer memory transfer) {
transfer =
ExternalTransfer({ account: address(0), mint: address(0), amount: 0, transferType: TransferType.Deposit });

/// @notice Generate a random root key
function randomRootKey() internal returns (PublicRootKey memory rootKey) {
Vm.Wallet memory wallet = randomEthereumWallet();
(BN254.ScalarField xLow, BN254.ScalarField xHigh) = uintToScalarWords(wallet.publicKeyX);
(BN254.ScalarField yLow, BN254.ScalarField yHigh) = uintToScalarWords(wallet.publicKeyY);
rootKey = PublicRootKey({ x: [xLow, xHigh], y: [yLow, yHigh] });

/// @notice Generates a dummy PlonK proof
function dummyPlonkProof() internal pure returns (PlonkProof memory proof) {
BN254.ScalarField dummyScalar = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(1);
BN254.G1Point memory dummyPoint = BN254.P1();
BN254.ScalarField[] memory publicInputs = new BN254.ScalarField[](1);
publicInputs[0] = dummyScalar;

proof = PlonkProof({
wire_comms: [dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint],
z_comm: dummyPoint,
quotient_comms: [dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint, dummyPoint],
w_zeta: dummyPoint,
w_zeta_omega: dummyPoint,
wire_evals: [dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar],
sigma_evals: [dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar, dummyScalar],
z_bar: dummyScalar
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test/utils/TestUtils.sol
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Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,21 @@
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { Vm } from "forge-std/Vm.sol";
import { BN254 } from "lib/solidity-bn254/src/BN254.sol";
import { DarkpoolConstants } from "src/libraries/darkpool/Constants.sol";

/// @dev Split a uint256 into a pair of BN254.ScalarField words, in little-endian order
function uintToScalarWords(uint256 value) pure returns (BN254.ScalarField low, BN254.ScalarField high) {
low = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(value % BN254.R_MOD);
high = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(value / BN254.R_MOD);

contract TestUtils is Test {
/// @dev The BN254 field modulus from roundUtils.huff
uint256 constant PRIME = BN254.R_MOD;
/// @dev The scalar field modulus for K256
uint256 constant K256_SCALAR_MOD = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141;

// --- Fuzzing Helpers --- //

Expand All @@ -18,6 +27,11 @@ contract TestUtils is Test {
return vm.randomUint() % PRIME;

/// @dev Generate a random BN254 scalar field element
function randomScalar() internal returns (BN254.ScalarField) {
return BN254.ScalarField.wrap(randomFelt());

/// @dev Generate a random G1 point
function randomG1Point() internal returns (BN254.G1Point memory) {
BN254.ScalarField scalar = BN254.ScalarField.wrap(randomFelt());
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +66,12 @@ contract TestUtils is Test {
return shares;

/// @dev Generate a random ethereum wallet
function randomEthereumWallet() internal returns (Vm.Wallet memory) {
uint256 seed = vm.randomUint() % K256_SCALAR_MOD;
return vm.createWallet(seed);

// --- FFI Helpers --- //

/// @dev Helper to compile a Rust binary
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