This is my playground c++ integrated navigation library. The aim is to have a modular C++ API that can be used in integrated navigation applications. Integrated navigation applications using the IntNavLib API, including ROS2 nodes, are in the apps folder.
The code is inspired by Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation by Paul Groves.
author={Groves, Paul},
booktitle={Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, Second Edition},
Disclaimer: If you are interested in embedded systems applications, you probably don't like dynamic memory allocation. Avoiding dynamic memory allocation is tedious and painstakingly hard when using Eigen. Have a look here if you're interested in making this code malloc-free.
Clone the library in your workspace
Install Eigen 3. On Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux distributions, just:
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
Build & install the Cmake project:
cd intnavlib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
You can find apps using IntNavLib in the apps folder.
For example, to build and run the inertial navigation demo using ECEF navigation equations, run:
cd apps/ins_ecef
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
./ins_ecef ../../data/Profile_3.csv
This library also comes with an example of how to use it in a ROS2 project. To launch a ROS2 node performing integrated loosely-coupled GNSS/INS navigation, first install ROS2, then run:
cd apps/ros2_lc_ins_gnss_ecef
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch ros2_lc_ins_gnss_ecef
To visualize in rviz:
rviz2 -d apps/ros2_lc_ins_gnss_ecef/config/config.rviz
Find Python scripts to plot results in Groves' style in the utils directory. You can launch them like this:
python3 <path_to_profile_csv> # to plot a motion profile
python3 <path_to_errors_csv> # to plot nav errors
python3 <path_to_ecef_errors_sigmas_csv> # to plot errors + estimated uncertainty
solve ros app getting stuck on wait
profile generator in NED, converting from MATLAB's GeoTrajectory
ros2 app: handle queue sizes (drop if full). log result to file for starters, to verify. use cond variables in waits. do data lag compensation (add delays in bag writer). in config, pass euler angles not DCM. publish path, belocity. fix bad exit stuck wait cv
write test bash script to run all demos. launch it at each commit to check for bugs
refactor to improve readability. review input arguments, comment headers google-style
profile code with valgrind
Remove dependencies: place eigen in include dir
write profile generator, navcam simulator
Fuse map matching
Fuse Lidar
Fuse CVN
Fuse Visual Odometry
Add Integrity check