The current project is about finding the road and painting it. Also calculating the curvature.
- notebooks.- Jupyter Notebooks
- python_progs.- Python Programs
- media.- Media Data
a. calibration_images.- Images for Camera Calibration
b. output_images.- Result Images
c. output_videos.- Result Videos
d. test_images.- Test Images
e. test_videos.- Test Videos
f. wrapp_images.- Images to Test Wrapper
- Camera Calibration
- Camera Undistorsion
- Thresholding
- Region Selection
- Image Warping
- Road Calculation
- Road UnWarping
- Road Unwarped + Original Image
- for an step by step explanation please enter notebooks/AdvancedLaneFinding
- When cv2.findChessboardCorners does not work, probably it is because the number of corners you counted inside the square. In the test example is has 9 x 5 corners