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bgaidioz committed May 31, 2024
1 parent 8d54269 commit c23a5a9
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Showing 3 changed files with 217 additions and 149 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions client/src/main/scala/raw/client/api/CompilerService.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,14 @@ trait CompilerService extends RawService {
environment: ProgramEnvironment
): EvalResponse

// Evaluate a source program and return the result as a RawValue.
def executeAsRawValue(
source: String,
environment: ProgramEnvironment,
maybeDecl: Option[String]
): EvalResponse

// Execute a source program and write the results to the output stream.
def execute(
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import raw.client.rql2.api._
import raw.client.writers.{PolyglotBinaryWriter, PolyglotTextWriter}
import raw.compiler.base
import raw.compiler.base.errors._
import raw.compiler.base.source.BaseNode
import raw.compiler.base.source.{BaseNode, Type}
import raw.compiler.base.{CompilerContext, TreeDeclDescription, TreeDescription, TreeParamDescription}
import raw.compiler.common.source.{SourceNode, SourceProgram}
import raw.compiler.rql2._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,44 +198,135 @@ class Rql2TruffleCompilerService(engineDefinition: (Engine, Boolean), maybeClass
val rawValue = polyglotValueToRawValue(polyglotValue, tipe)
} catch {
case ex: PolyglotException =>
// (msb): The following are various "hacks" to ensure the inner language InterruptException propagates "out".
// Unfortunately, I do not find a more reliable alternative; the branch that does seem to work is the one
// that does startsWith. That said, I believe with Truffle, the expectation is that one is supposed to
// "cancel the context", but in our case this doesn't quite match the current architecture, where we have
// other non-Truffle languages and also, we have parts of the pipeline that are running outside of Truffle
// and which must handle interruption as well.
if (ex.isInterrupted) {
throw new InterruptedException()
} else if (ex.getCause.isInstanceOf[InterruptedException]) {
throw ex.getCause
} else if (ex.getMessage.startsWith("java.lang.InterruptedException")) {
throw new InterruptedException()
} else if (ex.isGuestException) {
val err = ex.getGuestObject
if (err != null && err.hasMembers && err.hasMember("errors")) {
val errorsValue = err.getMember("errors")
val errors = (0L until errorsValue.getArraySize).map { i =>
val errorValue = errorsValue.getArrayElement(i)
val message = errorValue.asString
val positions = (0L until errorValue.getArraySize).map { j =>
val posValue = errorValue.getArrayElement(j)
val beginValue = posValue.getMember("begin")
val endValue = posValue.getMember("end")
val begin = ErrorPosition(beginValue.getMember("line").asInt, beginValue.getMember("column").asInt)
val end = ErrorPosition(endValue.getMember("line").asInt, endValue.getMember("column").asInt)
ErrorRange(begin, end)
ErrorMessage(message,, ParserErrors.ParserErrorCode)
} else {
} else {
// Unexpected error. For now we throw the PolyglotException.
throw ex
case ex: PolyglotException => handlePolyglotException(

private def truffleCompile(
ctx: Context,
source: String,
maybeDecl: Option[String],
user: AuthenticatedUser
): (Value, Type) = {
maybeDecl match {
case Some(decl) =>
// Eval the code and extract the function referred to by 'decl'
val truffleSource = Source
.newBuilder("rql", source, "unnamed")
.cached(false) // Disable code caching because of the inferrer.
// 'decl' is found in the context bindings (by its name)
val bindings = ctx.getBindings("rql")
val f = bindings.getMember(decl)
// its type is found in the polyglot bindings as '@type:<name>'
val funType = {
val rawType = ctx.getPolyglotBindings.getMember("@type:" + decl).asString()
val ParseTypeSuccess(tipe: FunType) = parseType(rawType, user, internal = true)
(f, funType)
case None =>
val truffleSource = Source
.newBuilder("rql", source, "unnamed")
.cached(false) // Disable code caching because of the inferrer.
val result = ctx.eval(truffleSource)
// the value type is found in polyglot bindings after calling eval().
val rawType = ctx.getPolyglotBindings.getMember("@type").asString()
val ParseTypeSuccess(tipe) = parseType(rawType, user, internal = true)
(result, tipe)

private def truffleRun(
ctx: Context,
f: Value,
funType: FunType,
maybeArguments: Option[Array[(String, RawValue)]]
): Either[String, (Value, Type)] = {
// Prior to .execute, some checks on parameters since we may have
// to fill optional parameters with their default value

// mandatory arguments are those that don't have a matching 'name' in optional parameters
val namedArgs = => arg.i -> arg.t).toMap

// split the provided parameters in two (mandatory/optional)
val (optionalArgs, mandatoryArgs) = maybeArguments match {
case Some(args) =>
val (optional, mandatory) = args.partition { case (idn, _) => namedArgs.contains(idn) }
( => arg._1 -> arg._2).toMap,
case None => (Map.empty[String, RawValue], Array.empty[RawValue])

// mandatory args have to be all provided
if (mandatoryArgs.length != {
return Left("missing mandatory arguments")
val mandatoryPolyglotArguments = => rawValueToPolyglotValue(arg, ctx))
// optional arguments can be missing from the provided arguments.
// we replace the missing ones by their default value.
val optionalPolyglotArguments = { arg =>
optionalArgs.get(arg.i) match {
// if the argument is provided, use it
case Some(paramValue) => rawValueToPolyglotValue(paramValue, ctx)
// else, the argument has a default value that can be obtained from `f`.
case None => f.invokeMember("default_" + arg.i)
// all arguments are there. Call .execute.
val result = f.execute(mandatoryPolyglotArguments ++ optionalPolyglotArguments: _*)
val tipe = funType.r
// return the result and its type
Right((result, tipe))

private def executeAsTruffleValue(
ctx: Context,
source: String,
environment: ProgramEnvironment,
maybeDecl: Option[String]
): Either[String, (Value, Type)] = {
val (objectValue, objectType) = truffleCompile(ctx, source, maybeDecl, environment.user)
if (maybeDecl.nonEmpty) {
// a function. Execute it using the environment arguments
val funType = objectType.asInstanceOf[FunType]
val f = objectValue
truffleRun(ctx, f, funType, environment.maybeArguments)
} else Right((objectValue, objectType))

override def executeAsRawValue(
source: String,
environment: ProgramEnvironment,
maybeDecl: Option[String]
): EvalResponse = {
ctx =>
try {
val (polyglotValue, tipe) = executeAsTruffleValue(ctx, source, environment, maybeDecl) match {
case Left(error) => return EvalRuntimeFailure(error)
case Right((result, tipe)) => (result, tipe)
val rawType = rql2TypeToRawType(tipe).get
val rawValue = polyglotValueToRawValue(polyglotValue, rawType)
} catch {
case ex: PolyglotException => handlePolyglotException(
Expand All @@ -250,69 +341,12 @@ class Rql2TruffleCompilerService(engineDefinition: (Engine, Boolean), maybeClass
try {
val (v, tipe) = maybeDecl match {
case Some(decl) =>
// Eval the code and extract the function referred to by 'decl'
val truffleSource = Source
.newBuilder("rql", source, "unnamed")
.cached(false) // Disable code caching because of the inferrer.
// 'decl' is found in the context bindings (by its name)
val bindings = ctx.getBindings("rql")
val f = bindings.getMember(decl)
// its type is found in the polyglot bindings as '@type:<name>'
val funType = {
val rawType = ctx.getPolyglotBindings.getMember("@type:" + decl).asString()
val ParseTypeSuccess(tipe: FunType) = parseType(rawType, environment.user, internal = true)
// Prior to .execute, some checks on parameters since we may have
// to fill optional parameters with their default value

// mandatory arguments are those that don't have a matching 'name' in optional parameters
val namedArgs = => arg.i -> arg.t).toMap

// split the provided parameters in two (mandatory/optional)
val (optionalArgs, mandatoryArgs) = environment.maybeArguments match {
case Some(args) =>
val (optional, mandatory) = args.partition { case (idn, _) => namedArgs.contains(idn) }
( => arg._1 -> arg._2).toMap,
case None => (Map.empty[String, RawValue], Array.empty[RawValue])

// mandatory args have to be all provided
if (mandatoryArgs.length != {
return ExecutionRuntimeFailure("missing mandatory arguments")
val mandatoryPolyglotArguments = => rawValueToPolyglotValue(arg, ctx))
// optional arguments can be missing from the provided arguments.
// we replace the missing ones by their default value.
val optionalPolyglotArguments = { arg =>
optionalArgs.get(arg.i) match {
// if the argument is provided, use it
case Some(paramValue) => rawValueToPolyglotValue(paramValue, ctx)
// else, the argument has a default value that can be obtained from `f`.
case None => f.invokeMember("default_" + arg.i)
// all arguments are there. Call .execute.
val result = f.execute(mandatoryPolyglotArguments ++ optionalPolyglotArguments: _*)
val tipe = funType.r
// return the result and its type
(result, tipe)
case None =>
val truffleSource = Source
.newBuilder("rql", source, "unnamed")
.cached(false) // Disable code caching because of the inferrer.
val result = ctx.eval(truffleSource)
// the value type is found in polyglot bindings after calling eval().
val rawType = ctx.getPolyglotBindings.getMember("@type").asString()
val ParseTypeSuccess(tipe) = parseType(rawType, environment.user, internal = true)
(result, tipe)
val (v, tipe) = executeAsTruffleValue(ctx, source, environment, maybeDecl) match {
case Left(error) => return ExecutionRuntimeFailure(error)
case Right((result, tipe)) => (result, tipe)

// render the result to the output stream
.map(_.toLowerCase) match {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,60 +407,74 @@ class Rql2TruffleCompilerService(engineDefinition: (Engine, Boolean), maybeClass
case _ => ExecutionRuntimeFailure("unknown output format")
} catch {
case ex: PolyglotException =>
// (msb): The following are various "hacks" to ensure the inner language InterruptException propagates "out".
// Unfortunately, I do not find a more reliable alternative; the branch that does seem to work is the one
// that does startsWith. That said, I believe with Truffle, the expectation is that one is supposed to
// "cancel the context", but in our case this doesn't quite match the current architecture, where we have
// other non-Truffle languages and also, we have parts of the pipeline that are running outside of Truffle
// and which must handle interruption as well.
if (ex.isInterrupted) {
throw new InterruptedException()
} else if (ex.getCause.isInstanceOf[InterruptedException]) {
throw ex.getCause
} else if (ex.getMessage.startsWith("java.lang.InterruptedException")) {
throw new InterruptedException()
} else if (ex.isGuestException) {
if (ex.isInternalError) {
// An internal error. It means a regular Exception thrown from the language (e.g. a Java Exception,
// or a RawTruffleInternalErrorException, which isn't an AbstractTruffleException)
val programContext = getProgramContext(environment.user, environment)
throw new CompilerServiceException(ex, programContext.dumpDebugInfo)
} else {
val err = ex.getGuestObject
if (err != null && err.hasMembers && err.hasMember("errors")) {
// A validation exception, semantic or syntax error (both come as the same kind of error)
// that has a list of errors and their positions.
val errorsValue = err.getMember("errors")
val errors = (0L until errorsValue.getArraySize).map { i =>
val errorValue = errorsValue.getArrayElement(i)
val message = errorValue.asString
val positions = (0L until errorValue.getArraySize).map { j =>
val posValue = errorValue.getArrayElement(j)
val beginValue = posValue.getMember("begin")
val endValue = posValue.getMember("end")
val begin = ErrorPosition(beginValue.getMember("line").asInt, beginValue.getMember("column").asInt)
val end = ErrorPosition(endValue.getMember("line").asInt, endValue.getMember("column").asInt)
ErrorRange(begin, end)
ErrorMessage(message,, ParserErrors.ParserErrorCode)
} else {
// A runtime failure during execution. The query could be a failed tryable, or a runtime error (e.g. a
// file not found) hit when processing a reader that evaluates as a _collection_ (processed outside the
// evaluation of the query).
case ex: PolyglotException => handlePolyglotException(
} finally {

private def handlePolyglotException[T](
ex: PolyglotException,
environment: ProgramEnvironment,
ifValidationErrors: List[ErrorMessage] => T,
ifRuntimeError: String => T
): T = {
// (msb): The following are various "hacks" to ensure the inner language InterruptException propagates "out".
// Unfortunately, I do not find a more reliable alternative; the branch that does seem to work is the one
// that does startsWith. That said, I believe with Truffle, the expectation is that one is supposed to
// "cancel the context", but in our case this doesn't quite match the current architecture, where we have
// other non-Truffle languages and also, we have parts of the pipeline that are running outside of Truffle
// and which must handle interruption as well.
if (ex.isInterrupted) {
throw new InterruptedException()
} else if (ex.getCause.isInstanceOf[InterruptedException]) {
throw ex.getCause
} else if (ex.getMessage.startsWith("java.lang.InterruptedException")) {
throw new InterruptedException()
} else if (ex.isGuestException) {
if (ex.isInternalError) {
// An internal error. It means a regular Exception thrown from the language (e.g. a Java Exception,
// or a RawTruffleInternalErrorException, which isn't an AbstractTruffleException)
val programContext = getProgramContext(environment.user, environment)
throw new CompilerServiceException(ex, programContext.dumpDebugInfo)
} else {
val err = ex.getGuestObject
if (err != null && err.hasMembers && err.hasMember("errors")) {
// A validation exception, semantic or syntax error (both come as the same kind of error)
// that has a list of errors and their positions.
val errorsValue = err.getMember("errors")
val errors = (0L until errorsValue.getArraySize).map { i =>
val errorValue = errorsValue.getArrayElement(i)
val message = errorValue.asString
val positions = (0L until errorValue.getArraySize).map { j =>
val posValue = errorValue.getArrayElement(j)
val beginValue = posValue.getMember("begin")
val endValue = posValue.getMember("end")
val begin = ErrorPosition(beginValue.getMember("line").asInt, beginValue.getMember("column").asInt)
val end = ErrorPosition(endValue.getMember("line").asInt, endValue.getMember("column").asInt)
ErrorRange(begin, end)
ErrorMessage(message,, ParserErrors.ParserErrorCode)
} else {
// Unexpected error. For now we throw the PolyglotException.
throw ex
// A runtime failure during execution. The query could be a failed tryable, or a runtime error (e.g. a
// file not found) hit when processing a reader that evaluates as a _collection_ (processed outside the
// evaluation of the query).
} finally {
} else {
// Unexpected error. For now we throw the PolyglotException.
throw ex


override def formatCode(
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