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RD-10537: Optional parameters in SQL (#386)
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bgaidioz authored Apr 23, 2024
1 parent c828434 commit 68bbf33
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Showing 9 changed files with 873 additions and 504 deletions.
44 changes: 0 additions & 44 deletions sql-client/src/main/scala/raw/client/sql/ErrorHandling.scala

This file was deleted.

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220 changes: 87 additions & 133 deletions sql-client/src/main/scala/raw/client/sql/SqlCompilerService.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import raw.creds.api.CredentialsServiceProvider
import raw.utils.{AuthenticatedUser, RawSettings, RawUtils}

import{IOException, OutputStream}
import java.sql.{ResultSet, SQLException, SQLTimeoutException}
import java.sql.ResultSet
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

class SqlCompilerService(maybeClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None)(implicit protected val settings: RawSettings)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,66 +78,59 @@ class SqlCompilerService(maybeClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None)(implicit
safeParse(source) match {
case Left(errors) => GetProgramDescriptionFailure(errors)
case Right(parsedTree) =>
val conn = connectionPool.getConnection(environment.user)
try {
val conn = connectionPool.getConnection(environment.user)
try {
val stmt = new NamedParametersPreparedStatement(conn, parsedTree)
val description = stmt.queryMetadata match {
case Right(info) =>
val parameters = info.parameters
val tableType = pgRowTypeToIterableType(info.outputType)
val parameterTypes = parameters
.map {
case (name, paramInfo) => SqlTypesUtils.rawTypeFromPgType(paramInfo.t).map { rawType =>
// we ignore tipe.nullable and mark all parameters as nullable
val nullableType = rawType match {
case RawAnyType() => rawType;
case other => other.cloneNullable
// their default value is `null`.
required = false
val stmt = new NamedParametersPreparedStatement(conn, parsedTree)
val description = stmt.queryMetadata match {
case Right(info) =>
val queryParamInfo = info.parameters
val outputType = pgRowTypeToIterableType(info.outputType)
val parameterInfo = queryParamInfo
.map {
case (name, paramInfo) => SqlTypesUtils.rawTypeFromPgType(paramInfo.pgType).map { rawType =>
// we ignore tipe.nullable and mark all parameters as nullable
val paramType = rawType match {
case RawAnyType() => rawType;
case other => other.cloneNullable
.foldLeft(Right(Seq.empty): Either[Seq[String], Seq[ParamDescription]]) {
case (Left(errors), Left(error)) => Left(errors :+ error)
case (_, Left(error)) => Left(Seq(error))
case (Right(params), Right(param)) => Right(params :+ param)
case (errors @ Left(_), _) => errors
case (_, Right(param)) => Right(Seq(param))
(tableType, parameterTypes) match {
case (Right(iterableType), Right(ps)) =>
// Regardless if there are parameters, we declare a main function with the output type.
// This permits the publish endpoints from the UI (
val ok = ProgramDescription(
Some(DeclDescription(Some(ps.toVector), Some(iterableType), None)),
case _ =>
val errorMessages =
tableType.left.getOrElse(Seq.empty) ++ parameterTypes.left.getOrElse(Seq.empty)
GetProgramDescriptionFailure(treeErrors(parsedTree, errorMessages).toList)
comment = paramInfo.comment,
required = paramInfo.default.isEmpty
case Left(errors) => GetProgramDescriptionFailure(errors)
} catch {
case e: SQLException => GetProgramDescriptionFailure(ErrorHandling.asErrorMessage(source, e))
} finally {
.foldLeft(Right(Seq.empty): Either[Seq[String], Seq[ParamDescription]]) {
case (Left(errors), Left(error)) => Left(errors :+ error)
case (_, Left(error)) => Left(Seq(error))
case (Right(params), Right(param)) => Right(params :+ param)
case (errors @ Left(_), _) => errors
case (_, Right(param)) => Right(Seq(param))
(outputType, parameterInfo) match {
case (Right(iterableType), Right(ps)) =>
// Regardless if there are parameters, we declare a main function with the output type.
// This permits the publish endpoints from the UI (
val ok = ProgramDescription(
Some(DeclDescription(Some(ps.toVector), Some(iterableType), None)),
case _ =>
val errorMessages = outputType.left.getOrElse(Seq.empty) ++ parameterInfo.left.getOrElse(Seq.empty)
GetProgramDescriptionFailure(treeErrors(parsedTree, errorMessages).toList)
case Left(errors) => GetProgramDescriptionFailure(errors)
} catch {
case e: SQLException => GetProgramDescriptionFailure(ErrorHandling.asErrorMessage(source, e))
case e: SQLTimeoutException => GetProgramDescriptionFailure(ErrorHandling.asErrorMessage(source, e))
case e: NamedParametersPreparedStatementException => GetProgramDescriptionFailure(e.errors)
} finally {
} catch {
Expand All @@ -164,38 +157,31 @@ class SqlCompilerService(maybeClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None)(implicit
safeParse(source) match {
case Left(errors) => ExecutionValidationFailure(errors)
case Right(parsedTree) =>
val conn = connectionPool.getConnection(environment.user)
try {
val conn = connectionPool.getConnection(environment.user)
val pstmt = new NamedParametersPreparedStatement(conn, parsedTree)
try {
val pstmt = new NamedParametersPreparedStatement(conn, parsedTree)
try {
pstmt.queryMetadata match {
case Right(info) =>
try {
pgRowTypeToIterableType(info.outputType) match {
case Right(tipe) =>
environment.maybeArguments.foreach(array => setParams(pstmt, array))
val r = pstmt.executeQuery()
render(environment, tipe, r, outputStream)
case Left(errors) => ExecutionRuntimeFailure(errors.mkString(", "))
pstmt.queryMetadata match {
case Right(info) => pgRowTypeToIterableType(info.outputType) match {
case Right(tipe) =>
val arguments = environment.maybeArguments.getOrElse(Array.empty)
pstmt.executeWith(arguments) match {
case Right(r) => render(environment, tipe, r, outputStream)
case Left(error) => ExecutionRuntimeFailure(error)
} catch {
case e: SQLException => ExecutionRuntimeFailure(e.getMessage)
case Left(errors) => ExecutionValidationFailure(errors)
} finally {
case Left(errors) => ExecutionRuntimeFailure(errors.mkString(", "))
case Left(errors) => ExecutionValidationFailure(errors)
} catch {
case e: SQLException => ExecutionValidationFailure(ErrorHandling.asErrorMessage(source, e))
} finally {
} catch {
case e: SQLException => ExecutionRuntimeFailure(e.getMessage)
case e: SQLTimeoutException => ExecutionRuntimeFailure(e.getMessage)
case e: NamedParametersPreparedStatementException => ExecutionValidationFailure(e.errors)
} finally {

} catch {
case NonFatal(t) => throw new CompilerServiceException(t, environment)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,33 +233,6 @@ class SqlCompilerService(maybeClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None)(implicit


private def setParams(statement: NamedParametersPreparedStatement, tuples: Array[(String, RawValue)]): Unit = {
tuples.foreach { tuple =>
try {
tuple match {
case (p, RawNull()) => statement.setNull(p)
case (p, RawByte(v)) => statement.setByte(p, v)
case (p, RawShort(v)) => statement.setShort(p, v)
case (p, RawInt(v)) => statement.setInt(p, v)
case (p, RawLong(v)) => statement.setLong(p, v)
case (p, RawFloat(v)) => statement.setFloat(p, v)
case (p, RawDouble(v)) => statement.setDouble(p, v)
case (p, RawBool(v)) => statement.setBoolean(p, v)
case (p, RawString(v)) => statement.setString(p, v)
case (p, RawDecimal(v)) => statement.setBigDecimal(p, v)
case (p, RawDate(v)) => statement.setDate(p, java.sql.Date.valueOf(v))
case (p, RawTime(v)) => statement.setTime(p, java.sql.Time.valueOf(v))
case (p, RawTimestamp(v)) => statement.setTimestamp(p, java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(v))
case (p, RawInterval(years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis)) => ???
case (p, RawBinary(v)) => statement.setBytes(p, v)
case _ => ???
} catch {
case e: NoSuchElementException => logger.warn("Unknown parameter: " + e.getMessage)

override def formatCode(
source: String,
environment: ProgramEnvironment,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,23 +317,21 @@ class SqlCompilerService(maybeClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None)(implicit
.map { case (names, tipe) => HoverResponse(Some(TypeCompletion(formatIdns(names), tipe))) }
case use: SqlParamUseNode =>
val conn = connectionPool.getConnection(environment.user)
try {
val conn = connectionPool.getConnection(environment.user)
val pstmt = new NamedParametersPreparedStatement(conn, tree)
try {
val pstmt = new NamedParametersPreparedStatement(conn, tree)
try {
pstmt.parameterType( match {
case Right(paramInfo) => HoverResponse(Some(TypeCompletion(, paramInfo.t.typeName)))
case Left(_) => HoverResponse(None)
} finally {
pstmt.parameterInfo( match {
case Right(typeInfo) => HoverResponse(Some(TypeCompletion(, typeInfo.pgType.typeName)))
case Left(_) => HoverResponse(None)
} finally {
} catch {
case _: SQLException | _: SQLTimeoutException => HoverResponse(None)
case _: NamedParametersPreparedStatementException => HoverResponse(None)
} finally {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,30 +370,27 @@ class SqlCompilerService(maybeClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None)(implicit
safeParse(source) match {
case Left(errors) => ValidateResponse(errors)
case Right(parsedTree) =>
val conn = connectionPool.getConnection(environment.user)
try {
val conn = connectionPool.getConnection(environment.user)
val stmt = new NamedParametersPreparedStatement(conn, parsedTree)
try {
val stmt = new NamedParametersPreparedStatement(conn, parsedTree)
try {
stmt.queryMetadata match {
case Right(_) => ValidateResponse(List.empty)
case Left(errors) => ValidateResponse(errors)
} finally {
stmt.queryMetadata match {
case Right(_) => ValidateResponse(List.empty)
case Left(errors) => ValidateResponse(errors)
} catch {
case e: SQLException => ValidateResponse(ErrorHandling.asErrorMessage(source, e))
} finally {
} catch {
case e: SQLException => ValidateResponse(ErrorHandling.asErrorMessage(source, e))
case e: SQLTimeoutException => ValidateResponse(ErrorHandling.asErrorMessage(source, e))
case e: NamedParametersPreparedStatementException => ValidateResponse(e.errors)
} finally {
} catch {
case NonFatal(t) => throw new CompilerServiceException(t, environment)
case NonFatal(t) =>
throw new CompilerServiceException(t, environment)

Expand Down
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions sql-client/src/main/scala/raw/client/sql/SqlTypesUtils.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,23 +87,24 @@ object SqlTypesUtils extends StrictLogging {
// renames the postgres type to what a user would need to write to match
// the actual type. Or return an error.
def validateParamType(t: PostgresType): Either[String, PostgresType] = {
val pgTypeName = t.jdbcType match {
case java.sql.Types.BIT | java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN => Right("boolean")
case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT => Right("smallint")
case java.sql.Types.INTEGER => Right("integer")
case java.sql.Types.BIGINT => Right("bigint")
case java.sql.Types.FLOAT => Right("real")
case java.sql.Types.REAL => Right("real")
case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE => Right("double precision")
case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC | java.sql.Types.DECIMAL => Right("decimal")
case java.sql.Types.DATE => Right("date")
case java.sql.Types.TIME => Right("time")
case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP => Right("timestamp")
t.jdbcType match {
case java.sql.Types.BIT | java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN =>
Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN, t.nullable, "boolean"))
case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT => Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.SMALLINT, t.nullable, "smallint"))
case java.sql.Types.INTEGER => Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.INTEGER, t.nullable, "integer"))
case java.sql.Types.BIGINT => Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.BIGINT, t.nullable, "bigint"))
case java.sql.Types.FLOAT | java.sql.Types.REAL => Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.FLOAT, t.nullable, "real"))
case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE => Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.DOUBLE, t.nullable, "double precision"))
case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC | java.sql.Types.DECIMAL =>
Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.DECIMAL, t.nullable, "decimal"))
case java.sql.Types.DATE => Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.DATE, t.nullable, "date"))
case java.sql.Types.TIME => Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.TIME, t.nullable, "time"))
case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP => Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP, t.nullable, "timestamp"))
case java.sql.Types.CHAR | java.sql.Types.VARCHAR | java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR | java.sql.Types.NCHAR |
java.sql.Types.NVARCHAR | java.sql.Types.LONGNVARCHAR => Right("varchar")
java.sql.Types.NVARCHAR | java.sql.Types.LONGNVARCHAR =>
Right(PostgresType(java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, t.nullable, "varchar"))
case _ => Left(s"unsupported parameter type ${t.typeName}")
} => PostgresType(t.jdbcType, t.nullable, name))

def rawTypeFromPgType(tipe: PostgresType): Either[String, RawType] = {
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