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DAS Salesforce


Data Access Service for Databricks.


Name Description Default Required
host Databricks hostname to connect to Yes
token Databricks access token Yes
catalog Databricks catalog name Yes
schema Databricks schema to connect to Yes
warehouse Databricks Warehouse ID (found in the Salesforce UI) Yes

How to use

First you need to build the project:

$ sbt "project docker" "docker:publishLocal"

This will create a docker image with the name das-salesforce.

Then you can run the image with the following command:

$ docker run -p 50051:50051 <image_id>

... where <image_id> is the id of the image created in the previous step. This will start the server, typically on port 50051.

You can find the image id by looking at the sbt output or by running:

$ docker images