The ACTS-SMS (Student Management System) is an innovative web application designed to better the educational experience by providing tailored solutions for both students and teachers. Bridging the gap between students and educators, this system fosters a more connected, efficient, and productive learning environment, driving academic success for all. Developed using Spring Boot for the backend and Thymeleaf for the frontend, the system provides distinct login portals for Students, Teachers and Admin. Students can easily access their profiles, monitor attendance, and provide feedback to their teachers. Admins, have the ability to manage students and teachers lists, update and modify them. Teachers, have the options for marking attendance and tracking pseudo-Anonymous feedbacks. Options for resource sharing is also provided which can be utilized in future prospects of this system.
- Designing End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5.
- Development End: Spring Boot(3.2.8), Spring MVC, Hibernate, Servlet, Thymeleaf.
- Data Base : MySQL.
- Web Server: TOMCAT Web Server.
- Tools : STS 4(JDK:17), MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE, Browser