(Based on photo by Valve Software / CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Enumerate list of Lambda functions from every region.
- Detect "dead" or unused Lambda functions.
git clone git@github.com:epsagon/list-lambdas.git
cd list-lambdas/
pip install -r requirements.txt
python list_lambdas.py
CSV file:
Filter only Lambda functions that has not been active for the past 10 days:
python list_lambdas.py --inactive-days-filter 10
Print extended information to the screen (same as in the CSV file):
python list_lambdas.py --all
Sort by a chosen column (e.g. by last invocation time):
python list_lambdas.py --sort-by last-invocation
Output table (with extra data) to a CSV file:
python list_lambdas.py --csv lambdas.csv
Provide credentials:
python list_lambdas.py --token_key_id <access_key_id> --token_secret <secret_access_key>