A Vim plugin for opening and managing diff windows between the working copy, previous changesets, current branch head and origin, and merge parents in any Git or Mercurial repository.
The following instructions should work on POSIX.2 compliant systems like GNU/Linux that offer a Unix shell command-line interface.
STEP 1 - Fetch the Vim plugin from GitHub
This step places the plugin files into a sub-directory of your home directory
called vim-delta
. You can use a different name and location.
EITHER clone it into a local directory using Git:
cd git clone https://github.com/quixotique/vim-delta.git
OR fetch the files as a Zip archive, unpack them and rename the unpacked directory:
cd /tmp wget https://github.com/quixotique/vim-delta/archive/master.zip unzip /tmp/master.zip cd mv /tmp/vim-delta-master vim-delta
OR fetch each file individually (the following commands may be incorrect or incomplete if files have been renamed or added since these instructions were written):
cd mkdir vim-delta cd vim-delta mkdir plugin cd plugin wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quixotique/vim-delta/master/plugin/delta.vim cd .. mkdir syntax cd syntax wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quixotique/vim-delta/master/syntax/hglogcompact.vim
The following instructions assume that STEP 1 placed the plugin files under the
sub-directory of your home directory. If you placed them in
another location, you must adapt the following instructions.
IF YOU USE Pathogen (recommended), move the cloned/unpacked/fetched plugin sub-directory created in STEP 1 to a place where it will be a Vim bundle:
cd mkdir -p .vim/bundle mv vim-delta .vim/bundle
OR add the cloned/unpacked/fetched directory created in STEP 1 to your Vim runtimepath by adding the following line to your vimrc file:
set runtimepath^=~/vim-delta
OR copy the cloned/unpacked/fetched files created in STEP 1 into your Vim settings:
cd mkdir -p .vim/plugin cp vim-delta/plugin/*.vim .vim/plugin mkdir -p .vim/syntax cp vim-delta/syntax/*.vim .vim/syntax
Once the plugin is installed, start Vim and type the following command:
This should display a page of usage instructions for the Delta Vim plugin.
If the \?
command does not do anything, then test if the plugin was loaded by
starting a new Vim instance and typing the following command:
:echo g:loaded_DeltaVim
This should print a single 1
on the bottom line of the Vim window. If it
does not, then the plugin was not loaded. This could be for various reasons:
you are not actually running Vim -- perhaps you are running Elvis, nvi, vile or the tiny vi clone in Busybox
Vim is starting in vi compatibility mode
the plugin files were not installed correctly (see STEP 2 above)
If the above command prints 1
, then the plugin has been loaded. Test whether
the plugin's key mappings were set up by starting a new Vim instance and typing
the following command:
:echo hasmapto('<Plug>DeltaVimHelp')
If this prints 0
on the bottom line of the Vim window, then the plugin's key
maps were not set up. Discover the reason by starting a new Vim instance and
typing the following Vim command:
:echo exists('no_plugin_maps') + exists('no_deltavim_plugin_maps')
if this prints a
) at the bottom of the Vim window then another plugin file or your vimrc file has explicitly disabled key mappings by setting one (or both) of the Vim global variablesno_plugin_maps
. You will have to search through the source code of these files to discover where and why this is done, then decide whether to reverse the action to let the delta.vim plugin set up its own key mappings, or whether to leave it and set up your own delta.vim key mappings. -
if the above command prints
then there is another problem preventing the key mappings from being set up. Please investigate in depth if you can, and report the problem as a vim-delta issue.
If the echo hasmapto command above printed 1
on the bottom line of the Vim
window, then the plugin should have set up its key mapping to the help command.
In this case, there are several reasons why the \?
command does not work:
character is not\
(backslash); test this by starting a new Vim instance and typing the following command::echo mapleader
This will print the character that should be used instead of
in the\?
command; for example, if it prints,
then the help command is,?
if the
character is\
, then possibly another plugin file or your vimrc file already sets up a different key mapping for the<Plug>DeltaVimHelp
command, which will have the effect of overriding the plugin's\?
mapping. You will have to search through the source code of these files to discover where the mapping is made, and this will reveal the command you must type to reveal the help instructions. -
If no other key mapping to
is set up, then there is another problem preventing the help key mapping from working. Please investigate in depth if you can, and report the problem as a vim-delta issue.
Copyright in the Vim plugin software, including any documentation embedded within the plugin (such as comments and Vim help pages), is jointly held by Tuenti Technologies, S.L., Andrew Bettison, and any other contributors listed in the source files. The Vim plugin software is licensed to the public under the under the GNU General Public License 3.0.
Copyright in any accompanying documentation not embedded in the plugin (such as this file) is held by Andrew Bettison and any other contributors listed in the documentation files. The accompanying documentation is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence, and every documentation file should bear a footer like the one in this document.
The Delta Vim plugin for Mercurial was originally developed in 2011 by Andrew Bettison as an employee of Tuenti Technologies, S.L. in Madrid, Spain. Andrew later modified and improved the plugin in his own capacity, and released it on GitHub in 2014 under public license with permission from Tuenti.
Copyright 2014 Andrew Bettison
This document is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.