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qiubee edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

A framework is simply put a pre-build structure where you can built your own application on top of. In the case of web development its a structure where you can handle user interaction and the data-flow more easily. The option to use a framework can depend on the scale of the application or the complexity of the application.

There are different kinds of frameworks. Each having their own implementation and design philosophy of how to use the framework. It differs from using individual libraries. With a library you call code that solves a specific problem or helps you to more easily use a specific method, while a framework provides a foundation to built upon and handles the more broad issues that come with it.

When to use a framework (and when don't)

There are different frameworks that are built using the underlying programming language and create a way to develop on a more higher-level and focus on the functionality. Because a framework interacts with the underlying programming language in its own way, you as the developer have to learn their implementation so you can develop in their framework. This requires time to learn the ins and outs of the framework. For more smaller applications it can therefore be better to not use a framework and develop your own application specific to your needs. If you are instead already familiar with the framework and it can help you to develop more easily or faster, then it may be a good choice to use it. To build more grander and complex applications, using a framework is very handy. As it already provides a solid foundation, the more your application scales how increasingly more the benefits of a framework becomes clear.

As you can see, it really depends on the scale and the complexity of the application and your own knowledge about a specific framework whether to use a framework or not. While there are frameworks for multiple aspects of what you are specifically developing, using a framework is completely up to you.

Advantages for using a framework

  • Reduces time, primarily for bigger applications
  • Testing, debugging and maintenance is easier
  • Helps reduce redundant code
  • Easier to work on technically complex applications
  • More secure code
  • More robust

Disadvantages for using a framework

  • Requires a (bigger) understanding of a framework
  • Less flexibility due to specific programming paradigm
  • Increases dependencies and size
  • Lessens deeper understanding of the underlying programming language being used


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