Currently working on adding prestrafe messages and compare also 128 checkpoints/stages and getting rid of old speed limiter
Does it mean this version is buggy?
Maybe, it's less buggy than any other fork, and defo better than main repo
Pull requests and any contributions are (not) welcome and encouraged! (if you wanna contribute go there and help those poor souls
Why? because I believe in proprietary software (sorry open source guys u suck and u don't even know how much), If I see that your pr is good I might consider adding it but it's not a guarantee. Also don't think that anyone at this point wanna help this project, if you wanna be helpful go to Bara's discord and help him with fuckTimer.
- SourceMod 1.10
- Metamod 1.10
- A MySQL Database (MySQL 5.7, MySQL 8+, MariaDB supported)
- DHooks - Recommended: Detours Build for SourceMod 1.10 Stable
- SMLib (Transitional Syntax Branch)
- SourceMod Includes
- AutoExecConfig
1st Step - check if you have something called brain 2nd Step - google/alliedmodders 3rd Step - it never hurts to try it (when i say it i mean the thing you wonder about) 4th Step - there is that SurfTimer discord (PLZ don't @fluffys he hasn't been active on development for ages) also discord has this nice thing called SEARCH so u know
forked from fluffys - contributors
- Jonitaikaponi - Original ckSurf creator
- sneaK
- nikooo777 - ckSurf 1.19 Fork
- fluffys
- Jakeey802
- Grandpa Goose
Current dev crew over at