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Releases: pyZerrenner/DOPpy

DOPpy v2.13

27 Feb 14:23
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After three years there were a couple of bugs appearing, which prompted me to revisit the script and also implement other improvements that I had in mind for some time already.

Changelog v2.13:

  • Implements the new DOPBase.imshow method for visualisation of the measured profiles over time and depth. It is the preferred method over DOPBase.contour to display data on an equidistant time and depth grid (faster, less memory intensive and no need for color levels).
  • Both DOPBase.imshow and DOPBase.contour show the channel number as the axes title and the profile name (without units) as the colorbar label.
  • If no velocity or echo is recorded, the respective maximum value is now set to NaN (channel parameters 'veloMax' and 'echoMax'). This avoids KeyError messages due to a missing data entry (e.g. in DOPBase.PrintSettings).
  • Improved error messages if a missing parameter is requested.

DOPpy v2.12

01 Feb 23:59
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This release has only minor changes compared to v2.11, but it will be the first really official release to the whole world (wooo!). As such it should be as up-to-date as possible.

Changelog v2.12:

  • The DOPBase.printSettings method now also prints parameters resulting from the operation parameters (maximum velocity and depth). A spelling error in the output was corrected.

DOPpy v2.11

14 Dec 01:20
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Original release: 2018-10-19

This release was mainly motivated by the need to change some parameters in post, namely the speed of sound. The value can now be replaced during the reading process and is subsequently used to correctly calculate other data such as the velocity.

Since this update no new version has been finished. We are now up-to-date!

Changelog v2.11:

  • Corrected processing of the DOP3000 'aquisitionRate'-parameter.
  • The methods DOPBase._read and DOPBase._refine now raise an exception if they are called directly or are not redefined by a subclass.
  • Added the ability to replace parameter values from the file. See the DOP docstring for details.

DOPpy v2.10

14 Dec 01:07
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Original release date: 2017-05-30

This was a big release. The data reading and handling were re-written, since long-time measurements (9+ hours) could overload the memory and cause a MemoryError. Also some parameters that previously only contained nonsensical numbers were changed to understandable values. Along with this a new function could print out the major settings used in the measurement (to compare with other measurements or to copy over into the UDOP measurement software). Because of these relatively big changes, the version number was incremented from 2.04 to 2.10.

Changelog v2.10

  • Optimized code for reading the BDD-files (for DOP2000 and DOP3000), which is now less memory intensive. This allows larger files to be read faster and with less possibility of an Memory Error. The raw measurement data from the file are by default not saved any more. This behaviour can be changed by setting the saveMeas argument to True in the DOP-function.
  • Transformed certain parameters from their raw value to sensible ones used by the DOP-software. The raw parameter values are stored with an suffix '_file' to the parameter name. Examples: emitting power, TGC mode, sampling volume (DOP3000 only), spatial filter bandwidth, sensitivity.
  • Added the DOPBase.printSettings method to display important operation parameters used in the measurement.
  • Corrected axis labels in DOPBase.contour and DOPBase.replay and fixed handling of timerange and depthrange arguments in DOPBase.contour.
  • When decoding the comment string any character that does not fit the used codec is now ignored. This behaviour can be changed with the decode_errors keyword-argument for the function DOP.

DOPpy v2.04

14 Dec 00:52
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Original release date: 2017-02-14

The time scale of the DOP2000 class was off by three orders of magnitude. Ups...

Changelog v2.04

  • Corrected time-calculation for DOP2000.

DOPpy v2.03

14 Dec 00:43
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Original release date: 2017-02-10

This was just a small update with bug-fixes.

Changelog v2.03

  • Imports true division from __future__ to avoid incompatibilities for use with Python 2.7 when dividing by integers.
  • Corrected a typo in keysChannel.

DOPpy v2.02

14 Dec 00:32
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Original release date: 12-12-2016

In this release the first feature request by colleagues were implemented. At the same time the first bugs were reported (& fixed). The positive news: The module was actually used by others. Hurray! Also there was now a short introduction at the start of the module (basically the readme) and the doc-strings have improved.

Changelog v2.02

  • Fixed Doppler angle in velocity calculation of DOP3000 and added Doppler angle in velocity calculation of DOP2000.
  • Added DOPBase.removeAliasing to remove aliasing effects for smooth velocity data.
  • Added the option to plot custom horizontal and vertical lines in the DOPBase.replay method (see the Keyword-Argument section in the method's documentation).

DOPpy v2.01

14 Dec 00:06
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This release marked the first bug fixes and feature additions from version 2.00. It is the earliest version I can still find on my computer. According to the date on my file, the original release date was 2019-09-15. Though it could have been a bit earlier.

The history so far

The very first versions 1.xx of DOPpy were never seen by anyone but me. I used them to test different approaches of structuring the classes and how to read binary files. Version 2.00 was a complete re-write of the module and was the first release given to some colleagues.

Changelog v2.01

  • Removed aliasing from echo-profile.
  • Added maxtimes argument to DOPBase.contour to avoid RAM overflow.