⚠️ WARNING: This library is pre-alpha and under active development. APIs may change significantly between versions. Not recommended for production use.
A Rust library for interacting with Bitcoin nodes via IPC.
BlockTalk provides a high-level API to connect to bitcoin-node
process, subscribe to blockchain events, and query information about the blockchain state.
- Connect / Disconnect
- Query blockchain data
- Subscribe to real-time blockchain events
- Better error handling and logging
- Testing infrastructure
- More interfaces
First, build Bitcoin Core with multiprocess support enabled using PR#29409.
# Clone Bitcoin Core and checkout the PR
git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git
cd bitcoin
git fetch origin pull/29409/head:pr29409
git checkout pr29409
# Build dependencies with multiprocess support
make -C depends HOST=aarch64-apple-darwin MULTIPROCESS=1 NO_QT=1
# Configure and build Bitcoin Core
export HOST_PLATFORM="aarch64-apple-darwin"
cmake -B multiprocbuild/ --toolchain=depends/$HOST_PLATFORM/toolchain.cmake
cmake --build multiprocbuild/ --parallel $(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
For more details on multiprocess Bitcoin, refer to the documentation.
Create a directory for the node and start the node in regtest mode:
# Create data directory
mkdir -p datadir_blocktalk
# Start Bitcoin node
./multiprocbuild/src/bitcoin-node \
-regtest \
-datadir=$PWD/datadir_blocktalk \
-server=0 \
-port=19444 \
-connect= \
-ipcbind=unix \
: Use regression test mode (local testing chain)-server=0
: Disable RPC server as we'll use IPC-ipcbind=unix
: Enable Unix domain socket for IPC-debug=ipc
: Enable IPC debugging logs
let blocktalk = BlockTalk::init("/path/to/node.sock").await?;
let chain = blocktalk.chain();
// Get current tip
let (height, hash) = chain.get_tip().await?;
println!("Current tip: height={}, hash={}", height, hash);
// Get block at specific height
let block = chain.get_block(&hash, height - 1).await?;
println!("Previous block hash: {}", block.block_hash());
use blocktalk::{BlockTalk, NotificationHandler, ChainNotification};
use async_trait::async_trait;
struct BlockMonitor;
impl NotificationHandler for BlockMonitor {
async fn handle_notification(&self, notification: ChainNotification) -> Result<(), BlockTalkError> {
match notification {
ChainNotification::BlockConnected(block) => {
println!("New block: {}", block.block_hash());
ChainNotification::TransactionAddedToMempool(tx) => {
println!("New mempool tx: {}", tx.txid());
_ => {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let blocktalk = BlockTalk::init("/path/to/node.sock").await?;
// Register handler and subscribe
// Keep running until Ctrl+C
cargo run --example chain_query
sample output
⏳ Connecting to Bitcoin node...
✅ Connected successfully!
║ Current Chain Tip ║
║ Height │ 267 ║
║ Hash │ 3e6033329b2c77f249afe44b4444b18c133f587684fe84b21071a3653bae051e ║
║ Block Details ║
║ Hash │ 3e6033329b2c77f249afe44b4444b18c133f587684fe84b21071a3653bae051e ║
║ Prev Block │ 60cda1ced332983c6a399bd22a12852ccd87650f34b51ac3a50384c77c54fdb4 ║
║ Merkle Root │ 16c58a40955eff72595005a57af39af83450d76c5d932742522198c49b51962f ║
║ Timestamp │ 1740248760 ║
║ Nonce │ 0 ║
║ TX Count │ 1 ║
║ Transactions ║
║ TX #1 ║
║ ├─ TXID │ 16c58a40955eff72595005a57af39af83450d76c5d932742522198c49b51962f ║
║ ├─ Inputs │ 1 ║
║ ├─ Outputs │ 2 ║
║ └─ Sample Out│ 25 BTC satoshis ║
║ [Coinbase Transaction] ║
║ Block Size │ 250 bytes ║
cargo run --example monitor
sample output
✅ Connected successfully!
🔍 Monitoring blockchain events. Press Ctrl+C to exit.
║ Transaction Added to Mempool ║
║ TXID │ 55c8771b606609f1f6f8d3e15f01bfc1af3c6e43feeb4fd4271adf67a5844115 ║
║ Inputs │ 1 ║
║ Outputs │ 1 ║
The examples expect Bitcoin Core and BlockTalk to be in sibling directories. If you have a different setup, update the socket_path
in examples/chain_query.rs
MIT License
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is heavily inspired by @darosior's prototype which is based on @ryanofsky's work on Multiprocess Bitcoin