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Installing sunbird on Azure


  1. Domain Name
  2. SSL Certificate: The FullChain, consisting of the private key and Certificate+CA_Bundle, is mandatory for installation.
  3. Google OAuth Credentials: Create credentials
  4. Google V3 ReCaptcha Credentials: Create credentials
  5. Email Service Provider
  6. MSG91 SMS Service Provider API Token (Optional): Required for sending OTPs to registered email addresses during user registration or password reset.
  7. YouTube API Token (Optional): Necessary for uploading video content directly via YouTube URL.

Required CLI Tools

  1. Azure CLI
  2. jq
  3. rclone
  4. Terraform
  5. Terragrunt
  6. Linux / MacOS / GitBash (Windows)
  7. Python 3
  8. PyJWT Python Package (install via pip)
  9. kubectl
  10. helm
  11. Postman CLI


We will copy your existing files in the below location with a .bak extension and create overwrite the below files

  • ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

  • ~/.kube/config

  • In the below instructions demo is the environement name. You can change it as per your need. For example - dev, stage etc.

  • Clone the repo git clone

  • Copy the template directory cd terraform/azure && cp -r template demo

  • Fill the variables in demo/environment.hcl

  • Fill the variables in demo/global-values.yaml

  • Run az login --tenant AZURE_TENANT_ID

  • Run time ./

Mandatory variables in environment.hcl

Name Description
environment Environment name (between 1 - 9 charcaters). Example: dev, stage

Mandatory variables in global-values.yaml

Name Description
domain Domain name
proxy_private_key SSL private key
proxy_certificate SSL public key

Installation Steps

  1. Create environment folder
cd terraform/<cloud>
cp -rf template dev
cd dev
  1. Update required values in environment.hcl and global-values.yaml files
  2. Run bash

Client form setup

To setup client forms - Run the with the function create_client_forms

bash create_client_forms

Default users in the instance

This installation setup creates the following default users with different roles. Feel free to update the password using "Forgot password" option or create new users using API's

Role Email/User Name Password
Admin Admin@123
Content Creator Creator@123
Content Reviewer Reviewer@123
Book Creator Bookcreator@123
Book Reviewer bookReviewer@123
Public User 1 User1@123
Public User 2 User2@123