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Please consult the list of available datasets to learn more about the available datasets, and the corresponding codebooks to browse the variables they contain.
There are two ways to construct an API call. You may use our self-documenting and interactive query manipulation tool, or construct the call yourself.
Our self-documenting and interactive query manipulation tool can help you create a URL based on your selection of dataset and variable(s) of interest (see step 1). The tool will deliver the data in JSON format directly in your browser. It can also help you download the data in csv format.
The general form of the api call is:
, where
: Therun_id
for fetching forecasts. There should be acurrent
run which defaults to the most recent data release. You may also chooserun_id
in the conventional format{model name}{model version}_{production run}_{try sequence}
, where-
model name
is a a short label for the prediction model at hand, e.g. the fatalities model that is currently in production. To learn more about current and deprecated VIEWS models, please visit https://viewsforecasting.org/methodology. -
model version
is a numeric identifier that specifies the concerned version of the aforementioned model, e.g.001
(from 2022 onwards). Changes to the model(s) in production (such as new ensembling techniques or updates to model compositions) are implemented in batches and documented in the model changelog. Each batch of changes prompts a new model version, upon which the corresponding numeric identifier is incremented by 1. -
production run
specifies the data release from the aforementioned model and model version. From 2022 onwards, all production runs in ViEWS are named by means of the calendar year (YYYY
) and calendar month (MM
) of the last data that informs a given run, e.g.2022_07
. Prior to 2022, the production runs were named in accordance with the year and month of the data release at hand. -
try sequence
indicates whether the aforementioned production run required any bug fixes prior to successful completion. If the production run was completed on the first attempt, the try counter is given the default value oft01
prior to 2022). For each additional attempt, the counter is incremented by 1. Errors and resolutions are documented in the model changelog.
: The level of analysis (cm
for country-month,pgm
for PRIO-GRID-month). Please consult VIEWS' definitions for further details. -
: The type of violence for which you want forecasts (state-based conflict (sb
), non-state conflict (ns
), or one-sided violence (os
); see our definitions for more information). Some API nodes contain data from predictors, i.e. individual features informing the forecasts. They can be obtained by using the (px
) node at this level. -
: The model or variable of interest. See the codebook for each dataset at https://api.viewsforecasting.org/{run}/codebook for a list of available variables. -
: The partition of data to retrieve (predict
), see the [data partitions](https://viewsforecasting.org/methodology/definitions description on our website for more information.
For example, [https://api.viewsforecasting.org/fatalities001_2022_07_t01/cm/sb/sc_cm_sb_main] will return the following things:
- A set of
objects, containing:
A paging breadcrumb, containing a
URL, that allow you to easily access the whole retrieved dataset page-by-page. Following these "next" and "previous" URL links will allow you to access the dataset with ease. -
Paging information, containing the total number of pages (
), rows (row_count
), pages (page_count
), as well as the current page (page_cur
) you are exploring. -
: A model tree describing the relations of the models you have selected and will receive output from. Models can be ensembles of other models, and, similarly, can be components of ensembles, arbitrarily nested. This allows you to explore ensembles and components with relative ease (for examle,sc_cm_sb_main
is composed of a set of models as a parent). -
: A model set (presented as an array) - a list of all the models from which output will be retrieved by the API call.
- A
matrix containing calendaryear
, calendarmonth
, identifiers for the chosen level of analysis (country_id/name/ISO
, see all filters below) and the values for each of the predictions or data points for the given period.
The API does not require you to go full depth. For example, if you call https://api.viewsforecasting.org/fatalities001_2022_07_t01/cm
, you will get all the models at the country-month
level of analysis for all available types of violence.
Similarly, if you call https://api.viewsforecasting.org/fatalities001_2022_07_t01/cm/sb
you will get output from all models that predict state-based violence.
Note that the order matters, it's always {loa}/{type_of_violence}/{model}
All filtering works at all levels.
All filters are treated as AND
, with the exception of repeating the same filter key, which, where allowed (see below), will be treated as OR
. This conforms to the OpenAPI standard. All filters are designed to 'fail-safe', i.e. if a filter is wrongly specified or does not exist, it is simply ignored.
1. Spatial filters:
: An ISO country code in 3-letter format (e.g.JPN
). A list is allowed by repeating the key, which will then be treated asOR
will retrieve data for both China and Japan). -
: A VIEWS-specific country ID in integer form (e.g.237
). A list is allowed by repeating the key, which will be treated asOR
will retrieve data for both Burkina Faso and Mali). A matrix of the VIEWS country IDs with corresponding country names and gwcodes can be downloaded from the resource page on our website. -
: A country ID from the Gleditsch & Ward (1999) system membership list. A list is allowed by repeating the key, which will be treated asOR
, shown by the examples above. -
: A list of PRIO-GRID grid cell identifiers (see our definitions). A list is allowed by repeating the key, which will be treated asOR
, shown by the examples above. -
: A pair of latitudes and longitudes, for which data will be retrieved. Both need to be supplied. -
: A bounding box for which to retrieve the data. The filter will retrieve data from lat_ne/lon_ne + lat_sw/lon_sw. Both need to be supplied.
All spatial filters work for both PRIO-GRID and country levels, and are cast appropriately. E.g., if you specify a country filter for PRIO-GRID predictions, you will be given PRIO-GRID predictions for all grid cells located in that country. Country allocation is determined by PRIO-GRID 2.0 procedures (see the PRIO-GRID 2.0 codebook), by which they draw upon the country delimitations from the cShapes dataset v.0.4-2 and assign grid cells to the country that covers the largest share of a given cell's area (see the PRIO-GRID 2.0 codebook, p. 13)
Please note that all latitude and longitude pairs must be supplied in decimal degree format (DD) (+ for the northern and eastern hemisphere, - for the southern and western), using the dot as the decimal separator. A latitude of 77 degrees, 30 minutes and 30 seconds South should e.g. be entered as -77.508333. A DDM or DMS converter can be added if such is needed. Conversions from projected coordinate systems may also be added in future versions if such are desirable, and reverse projection algorithms are available.
Concatenating different filters in this class will be treated as AND
, and are thus meaningless. For example, a call for https://api.viewsforecasting.org/fatalities001_2022_07_t01/cm/sb?iso=EGY&gwcode=615 will be translated as iso=EGY AND gwno=615
, i.e. an attempted retrieval of all rows for Egypt-Algeria and thus resulting in zero data.
Concatenating identical filters in the same class will be treated as OR
. https://api.viewsforecasting.org/fatalities001_2022_07_t01/cm/sb?iso=EGY&iso=DZA will be translated as iso=EGY
, i.e. retrieve all rows that relate EITHER to Egypt or Algeria.
2. Temporal filters:
: An ISO date in the formatYYYY-MM-DD
for the first month to be retrieved. If not specified,date_start
will default to the first date in the dataset. -
: An ISO date in the formatYYYY-MM-DD
for the last month to be retrieved. If not specified,date_end
will default to the last date in the dataset. -
: A VIEWSmonth_id
, i.e. a sequence starting from 1 that increments by one for each month, wheremonth_id=1
is January 1980.month
can also be specified as a list by repeating the parameter (e.g.&month=401&month=403
). This will be treated asOR
, and will retrieve both month 401 and 403, i.e. May 2013 and July 2013).
Mixing the three parameters above will be interpreted as AND
, i.e. date_end=2019-01-01 AND date_end=2020-12-31
will retrieve all predictions for 2019 and 2020. Note that the day part (DD
, 1-31) is ignored and always treated as 1 for date_start
, and 28/29/30/31 for all date_end
, so as to include full months (VIEWS operates on a monthly resolution).
3. Steps and data filters:
: If omitted (or set toTrue
), it will retrieve the data object. If not omitted, it will only retrieve metadata (model list and model tree). -
For advanced use, a
boolean parameter is given. Only use this if you fully understand the VIEWS methodology and need the individual steps. Due to large data sizes, also reduce the pagesize for best results. Note that this flag only makes sense ifdata=True
and has no effect for dynamically simulated (dynasim/ds) models or similar.
Fetches all country-month predictions (for all types of violence) for Egypt, for
501 (September 2021). Page 1 will be retrieved.
Fetches all PRIO-GRID-month predictions for state-based conflict in Algeria for
501 and 502 (September-October 2021). Page 1 will be retrieved.
Fetches all country-month predictions for state-based conflict for the country located at
(September 2021).
Fetches all country-level predictions for state-based conflict from the main ensemble model, for all countries located in a square bounded by 25N30E and 30S10W, for
Fetches all PRIO-GRID-month predictions for Palestine between 2020-01-01 and 2030-01-01.
If you prefer to download the data as csv, there are three options readily available:
Use the query manipulation tool.
at the end of your manually constructed API call and run the call (the URL you have created) in your browser. The data will download automatically. -
Paste your API call into our helper notebook to fetch and download the selected data as a csv file.
Please consult the rest of the wiki section for more information and examples of how to construct an API call. Should any questions remain, please don't hesitate to reach out to the VIEWS team at views@pcr.uu.se.