This project is focused on exploring different methods to classify our text information.
Doc2vec (treating each sentence as a document) visual on tensorboard , added colors for our five different classes
Vast amount of textual information available on the web, we try to classify the the sentences specific to food from a raw html as belonging to one of the five different classes Preparation, Ingredients, Nutrition, Recipe, Title.
- Set up different architectures and then monitor their metrics to identify the best ones
- Build an end to end system on google cloud
- Use GPUs to run models over several epochs
- Build a front end flask-app and run the model on unseen data
- Print results on webage, host the app on the host IP Address
- This notebook contains the model with the best results
- Shows implementing glove on using deep learning
- Also tries an unsupervised approach using Autoencoders
- Refer notebook for code and explanations
- The best model ran on GPUs , the notebook is modified run locally over 1 epoch
- On the cloud the model was run over 60 epochs , screenshots of which are attached as png files
- Color coded confusion matrix and also a function to identify the misclassified sentences
- Model checkpointing to identify the weights of the model with highest accuracy
- keras callbacks to get plots of accuracy and histograms , screenshots are attached
- Refer notebook for code and explanation
- Running CNN - LSTM network on the padded sentences/sequences
- Runnnig LSTM on the padded sentences/sequences
- Using the keras default embedding layer
- Refer notebook for code and explanation
- Word2vec , doc2vec models using gensim , fed into tensors for a tensorboard visualisation
- The doc2vec vectors are fed into a deep feed forward neural network
- Keras preprocessing is carried out as always
- Refer notebook for code and explanation
- The front end for our model
- Generic to , any recipe url from the website can be passed
- the page is then scrapped using beautiful soup to obtain the textual information
- The sentences are then passed into our established model
- Predictions are made for these sentences(unseen data)
- The final webpage displays the title , image and the predictions for that particular url recipe page
- Refer python script for code and explanation
- The results produced by the glove-cnn-keras model were very encouraging. An accuracy of close to 97 percent was obtained. Pre-trained wiki glove embeddings played an important role in getting up the accuracy. The fucntionality in keras to specify your own embedding layer was helpful.
- Extend this problem to a multi-class , multi-label problem. Set-up the front-end on the Google Cloud to extend the pipeline that has already been established.