opencv, zipfile, subprocess (run python script actomatically)
pip install opencv-python
pip install
Use python3 to run both program
Run as: python3
Video created and saved as : video_made1.avi
This program uses all images that are in folder images to make video.
For every time running this program will create new numbered video.
Run as:
For keylogger program
Every time running this program will create a log.txt file in current directory which contain all keystrokes.
and log.txt already created then it will be updated.
ToExit keylogger program
press ESC key
But this program also contain signal.alarm(20) tested on ubuntu and time.sleep(20)sys.exit() tested on windows
means program will altomatically terminate after 20 second
Time can be changed just replace 20 with other number in second.
alarm is mentioned to stop it automatically
and this keylogger program will be used in further tasks.
This spyware program will first create file in current directory which contain keylogger program.
Then it will use a video file that is in current directory
and will hide within video_spy.avi file
This video_spy.avi will function like normal video.
After running this program following will be created in current dir:
** The created video_spy.avi file will be used by server_send_spyware to client_receive_spyware
Spyware video share from server to client
There are two folder client and server just to verify
files are shared.
First run server_send_spyware program then client_receive_spyware program
from there respective folder
Run as: python3
Server is Listening on : 5555
Connected to : : 50490
Enter filename :video_spy.avi
For server program
contain already video_spy.avi file in current directory as well as in subdirectory text and video_spy.avi is copied from task 5
Enter this if sending subdirectory file ./text/video_spy.avi
Enter n if don't want to send other files.
Run as: python3
Connecting to : 5555
Successfully Connected.
File stored : video_spy.avi
And this video_spy.avi will be used in next task by client_send_log
Run as: python3
Server is Listening on : 5555
Connected to : : 50958
File stored : log.txt
For server program
As connection with client is already made
so server will wait for log.txt file from client
Run as: python3
Connecting to : 5555
Successfully Connected.
For client program
Program build in such a way it will look like program to play video
after establishing connction to server.
This program is using video_spy.avi file from previous task
here it is already there in client folder.
client will run this program
and video_spy will be played.
If don't want to see video press q.
next automatically keylogger will be extracted from video_spy.avi
after some time (20 sec) a log.txt file will be created in client folder.
which will be shared to server in the same connection.
If want to run keylogger for more time
just press y on client side to play video again and all the keystroke will be appended to same log.txt file
and shared with server again so server will get updated log.txt file.