this is part of the Odin Project
working clockDONEloopsDONEstart/pause toggle buttonDONEreset buttonDONEbe able to set the timerDONEbreak and work phaseDONEdigits change to text when pause or breakDONE- enphasize reset button when the finished counting down
tooltipDONE- have a tooltip that show how to use the clock at the start
- fix the pause sysyem
- by useing {if(state=0){return}} instead of {clearInterval(clock);}
- click to start a break
- notification
- sound
- be able to set how many time the clock loops DONE
- if loop number set to 0 make it infinity loops with tooltip telling this
- long break after 4 loops
- visual indication of divied slice of time and progress
- etc. (O) (O) () ()