This tool allows you to interact with the OpenAI API to send queries based on the contents of a document and receive responses. The program reads a local document, combines it with a user-defined query, and sends it to the OpenAI API to generate a response.
- Java JDK
- OpenAI API key
- Canvas API key
Install Dependencies
Make sure you have the latest JDK file installed and be able to run the program on your IDE before you compile it on Command Prompt
Proper imports stored in src folder
API Key Setup
Ensure you have your OpenAI API and Canvas API keys stored as an environment variables:
Check that you have the correct keys in your environment by running this:
Run the program by specifying the path to your src folder with the needed imports
cd C:\path\to\src\folder
For example:
cd C:\Users\poncema4\OneDrive - Seton Hall University\FALL 2024\CSAS2123AA\IntelliJWorkSpace\Canvas API Project\src
To be able to just write "answer_discussion" to run your program open notepad or any text editor and write
@echo off
REM Set the classpath with your dependencies
set CLASSPATH=.;json-20230227.jar;apache-tika-1.28.5.jar
java LLM
This should be converted to a batch (.bat) file now
Now you must compile the java files in order to be able to run the program properly
javac -cp ".;json-java 1.jar;tika-app-2.9.2.jar" ...if more
For example
javac -cp ".;json-java 1.jar;tika-app-2.9.2.jar"
Lastly, if you were successful, Command Prompt should say...
"Note: Annotation processing is enabled because one or more processors were found on the class path. A future release of javac may disable annotation processing unless at least one processor is specified by name (-processor), or a search path is specified (--processor-path, --processor-module-path), or annotation processing is enabled explicitly (-proc:only, -proc:full). Use -Xlint:-options to suppress this message. Use -proc:none to disable annotation processing. Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details."
Check you src folder now and you should have your file names in .class format, this is how you also know that you successfully compiled your java files (You only need to compile your java files once) -> If you make any changes, compile your files again to avoid any errors
After you run the program you will get the prompt of your latest discussion post from your selected class from Canvas and a brief summary of the PDF that is attached in that discussion post and will print out the response OpenAI generates.
"Response has been uploaded to Canvas!" <- Your reply has been posted, Enjoy! :)
- API Key: The program checks for the
environment variable. If it’s not set, the program will exit with an error.