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A better, more functional version of the holy Grasscutter

Old Discord

Big update soon, probably..

Please contribute actively to this repository

Setup Guide

This guide is very minimal and contains steps to just get your server and client up and running.

You'll need to patch the game to even enter the game world (see below).

Read the handbook (found at the end of the file)

Main Requirements

  • Get Java 17
  • Get MongoDB Community Server
  • Get NodeJS
  • Get game version REL5.4.0 (If you don't have a 5.4.0 client, you can find it here along with the audio files and hdiff if needed) :
Download link Package size Decompressed package size MD5 checksum 10.0 GB 20.0 GB d7ea7d49334e03e590db3f047cd9ea88 10.0 GB 20.0 GB b4178034c1d09e889e43fd76b3fb4d3c 10.0 GB 20.0 GB 43b70975fcb957abaaaf7d940969679a 10.0 GB 20.0 GB d734b1edeb1b2b0d47d4d4bab7af6778 10.0 GB 20.0 GB 95abe987ff924c21f3e5085492448760 10.0 GB 20.0 GB 492510ae74ae8ac696ee59b4e831d039 10.0 GB 20.0 GB 0c68334b33ee878c5beac321339b9447 0.97 GB 1.9 GB 18d44596a5f1467682f5e038c80bd92a 14.11 GB 28.40 GB 2727087a20d630d35efe804ae683e72e
Audio_English(US) 16.24 GB 32.49 GB 76f338d1925ff39cbf73f0418e9ae354 13.99 GB 28.0 GB 6356a494c7cce397bdbb1213aa6e7298 18.43 GB 36.88 GB f2b1c1f217dafbcdf27aeece987256b7
  • Make sure to install java and set the environment variables.
  • Build the server (refer to "Compile the actual server" in this guide.)
  • Put Astrolabe.dll in the local game root directory
  • Download the Resources, make a new folder called resources in the downloaded LunaGC folder and then extract the resources in that new folder.
  • Set useEncryption, Questing and useInRouting to false (it should be false by default, if not then change it)
  • Start the server and the game, make sure to also create an account in the LunaGC console!
  • Have fun

Getting started

  • Clone the repository (install Git first )

    git clone
  • Now you can continue with the steps below.

Compile the actual Server


Java Development Kit 17 | JDK or higher

  • Sidenote: Handbook generation may fail on some systems. To disable handbook generation, append -PskipHandbook=1 to the gradlew jar command.

  • For Windows:

    .\gradlew.bat jar
  • For Linux:

    chmod +x gradlew
    ./gradlew jar

You can find the output JAR in the project root folder.

Manually compile the handbook

./gradlew generateHandbook


  • Make sure to set useEncryption and useInRouting both to false otherwise you might encounter errors.
  • To use windy make sure that you put your luac files in C:\Windy (make the folder if it doesnt exist)
  • If you get an error related to MongoDB connection timeout, check if the mongodb service is running. On windows: Press windows key and r then type services.msc, look for mongodb server and if it's not started then start it by right clicking on it and start. On linux, you can do systemctl status mongod to see if it's running, if it isn't then type systemctl start mongod. However, if you get error 14 on linux change the owner of the mongodb folder and the .sock file (sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb and sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock then try to start the service again.)

How to make or get custom banners?

  • Pre-made: github repo

  • Rename the file you chose to download to Banners.json and replace it with the already-existing one in the data folder.

  • The repo also offers a file which contains all of the banners, to use it follow the same procedure mentioned above.

    Making custom banners

  • If you want to make a custom banner for a character or weapon, you'll need to know the prefabPath, the titlePath and the character/item IDs.

  • Fun fact: You can set any item to be on the rateUp, even if it's a 4* instead of a 5*.

Handmade Handbook (NOT tested)

  • Create accounts: /account

  • Get all achievements: /am grantall

  • God mode: /prop god 1

  • Enter a domain: /dungeon

  • Unlimited stamina: /prop ns 0

  • Unlimited energy: /prop UnlimitedEnergy 1

  • Recharge energy: /er

  • Set constellation for selected character: /setConst <number 1 to 6>

  • Get rid of the skill cooldown: /stat cdr 99

  • Change weather: /weather <sunny/rain/cloudy/thunderstorm/snow/mist>

  • Change talent for selected character: /talent <n/e/q/all> (n - normal attack only) (e - skill only) (q - burst only)

  • Give items: /g <itemId|avatarId|all|weapons|mats|avatars> [lv] [r] [x] [c] [sl]

  • Unlock all: /unlockall

  • Change world level: /prop wl

  • Change AR: /prop player_level <number between 1 and 60>

  • Change the game speed: /gamespeed <0.1|0.2|0.5|0.75|1.0|1.5|2.0|3.0>

  • Get 9999 Intertwined fates: /g 223 x9999

  • Get 9999 Acquaint fates: /g 224 x9999

  • Get 9999 Mora: /g 202 x9999

  • Get 9999 Primogems: /g 201 x9999

    Make sure to not include <> or [] in the commands! The stuff in <> means its required and the stuff in [] means its not required.

    How to get all of the stuff maxed out: /g all lv90 r5 c6 c6 sl10 | Then do a separate one for the materials: /g mats x99999

    Ways to TP around the map:

Method 1:

  • 1: Unlock the map: /prop um 1
  • 2: Open the map
  • 3: Use the waypoints

Method 2:

  • 1: Open the map

  • 2: Place a fishing rod marker (the last one) where you want to teleport and mark it.

    How to get avatar/entity/material etc. IDs?

  • Go to

  • Search up the material/avatar/enemy and then the ID of it should be in the URL of the site, for example I searched for the pyro hilichurl archer; the link for it is so the ID for it will be 21010501.

How to spawn monsters?

  • Get the ID from the link (above)
  • Do /spawn in the in-game chat. You can also find out more arguments that you can use to modify the monster hp etc by doing /help spawn or /spawn | Example: /spawn 21010501, that will spawn a pyro hilichurl. Give it more hp: /spawn 21010501 hp9999 and you can find more about the arguments trough the method I mentioned above.

How to use the /uid command?

  • Rich text is supported
  • How to set custom UID: /uid set changethistext | bold: /uid set <b>changethistext</b> | italic: /uid set <i>changethistext</i> | combined: /uid set <i><b>changethistext</b></i> | colored text (you'll need a hex color code, you can easy get and pick one by search hex color picker on google now let's assume that you have done it): /uid set <color=#698ae8>changethistext</color>
  • You can also include spaces like this: /uid set <b>B O L D</b>
  • You can combine the bold, italic and colored text
  • Restore to server-default UID: /uid default

What doesn't work

  • find out

most new features are produced by manu's breeding cycle, please wait for next pregnancy

fuck yuuki - manu


patch Repository hk4e-patch-universal


get me out






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