This project is the front-end part of the SQL derivative sensitivity and SQL combined sensitivity analysis tools and SQL global sensitivity analysis tool that are SQL analyzers in SQL analysis tools.
You need to locate pleak-sensitivities-editor, pleak-backend, pleak-frontend and pleak-sql-analysis directories all in the same directory and specify their names in the config.json file. Read more from sub-repositories how to build each module.
To use all functionalities of the Sensitivities editor, clone the pleak-sql-analysis repository and to make all the analyzers available for the editor, install:
SQL derivative sensitivity analyzer (also builds SQL combined sensitivity analyzer), instructions in SQL derivative sensitivity analysis tool repository
SQL local sensitivity analyzer, instructions in SQL local sensitivity analysis tool repository
SQL global sensitivity analyzer, instructions in SQL global sensitivity analysis tool repository.
SQL combined sensitivity analyzer uses both - SQL global sensitivity analyzer and SQL local sensitivity analyzer.
To build the editor you need: NodeJS with npm installed.
To install all project dependencies execute npm install
Execute npm run build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
You can use the editor for each model from the Action menu next to the model on Files page (of frontend) or from the URL: http://localhost:8000/sensitivities-editor/id (id of the model).