Kitto is a framework to help you create dashboards, written in Elixir / React.
- Sample Dashboard
- Elixir Dashboard
- Jobs Dashboard
- 1080 Dashboard (optimized for 1080 screens)
The source for the demo dashboards can be found at: kittoframework/demo.
To start creating your own, read below.
- Jobs are supervised processes running concurrently
- Widgets are coded in the popular React library
- Uses a modern asset tool-chain, Webpack
- Allows streaming SSE to numerous clients concurrently with low memory/CPU footprint
- Easy to deploy using the provided Docker images, or Heroku
- Can serve assets in production
- Keeps stats about defined jobs and comes with a dashboard to monitor them
- Reloads code upon change in development
Install the latest archive
mix archive.install
: 1.3Erlang/OTP
: 19
: 4.3.1npm
: 1.4
It may may work in versions other than the above, but it won't have been thoroughly tested (travis matrix builds are planned to be added).
You may also use the official Docker image.
Please open an issue to request support for a specific platform.
mix <project_name>
Install dependencies
mix deps.get && npm install
Start a Kitto server (also watches for assets changes)
mix kitto.server
Try the sample dashboard at: http://localhost:4000/dashboards/sample
For configuration options and troubleshooting be sure to consult the wiki.
Kitto is capable of serving multiple dashboards. Each one of them is
served from a path of the following form /dashboards/<dashboard_name>
A dashboard consists of a Gridster grid containing React widgets.
You will find a sample dashboard under dashboards/sample
The snippet below will place a simple Text
widget in the dashboard.
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="1">
<div class="widget-welcome"
data-text="This is your shiny new dashboard."
data-moreinfo="Protip: You can drag the widgets around!"></div>
The most important data attributes here are
Selects the widget to be used. See: Widgetsdata-source
Selects the data source to populate the widget. See: Jobs
The other data attributes are options to be passed as props to the React widget.
By creating a new dashboard using mix <project_name>
you get
a few sample jobs in the directory jobs/
A job file is structured as follows:
# File jobs/random.ex
use Kitto.Job.DSL
job :random, every: :second do
broadcast! :random, %{value: :rand.uniform * 100 |> Float.round}
The above will spawn a supervised process which will emit a server-sent
event with the name random
every second.
Jobs can also run commands on the server. Data broadcast using commands is in
the form {exit_code: integer, stdout: String.t}
. For example the following
job will broadcast a kitto_last_commit
event with the results of the curl
job :kitto_last_commit,
every: {5, :minutes},
command: "curl\?page\=1\&per_page\=1"
Widgets live in widgets/
are compiled using
Webpack and are automatically loaded in the dashboards.
Assets are rebuilt upon change in development, but have to be compiled
for production. See webpack.config.js
for build options.
Example widget (widgets/text/text.js
import React from 'react';
import Widget from '../../assets/javascripts/widget';
import './text.scss';
Widget.mount(class Text extends Widget {
render() {
return (
<div className={this.props.className}>
<h1 className="title">{this.props.title}</h1>
<h3>{this.state.text || this.props.text}</h3>
<p className="more-info">{this.props.moreinfo}</p>
Each widget is updated with data from one source specified using the
Compile the project
MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
Compile assets for production
npm run build
Start the server
MIX_ENV=prod mix kitto.server
By scaffolding a new dashboard with:
you also get a Dockerfile
Build an image including your code, ready to be deployed.
docker build . -t my-awesome-dashboard
Spawn a container of the image
docker run -i -p -t my-awesome-dashboard
Please read the detailed instructions in the wiki.
Please read the upgrading guide in the wiki.
mix test
Have a question?
- See elixirforum/kitto
- Open an issue
- Ask in
It is heavily inspired by shopify/dashing. ❤️
The road to Erlang / Elixir starts with Kitto.
Copyright (c) 2016 Dimitris Zorbas, MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for further details.