- Author: P. Chong, ADP Student @ RED Academy 2018 Q3
- For the Boomtown project, the goal was to create a multi-view, fullstack application using PostgresQL as the database, Apollo-Express as the server, and React for the presentation layer.
- The Boomtown project is built from using "Boomtown Starter @ https://github.com/redacademy/boomtown-starter" as a base
- Boomtown is an item sharing platform
More information about the project and learnings can be found on the wiki.
View items shared by other users:
- PostgresQL (Postico for GUI)
- Node.Js
- Express
- Apollo
- GraphQL
- React (Router, Final Form)
- Redux
- Material UI
- Make a postgres database with the appropriate tables TODO: Include a mockup or screenshot of tables
- Download the repo and run NPM install from both client and server directories
- Run 'npm start' for the client and server
- Retrieve error from failed login and display feedback
- Implement borrowing functionalities
- Selectively render certain things on specific pages only - for example 'Share Items' button should not appear on the 'Share' page