This is the first ever release of three-vrm with VRM1.0 support.
🚨 Breaking Changes
- Notable: three-vrm is now implemented as a loader plugin instead of mere importer method.
- Three.js r126 or more is required
- usage:
const scene = new THREE.Scene(); const loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader(); // Install GLTFLoader plugin loader.register( ( parser ) => { return new THREE_VRM.VRMLoaderPlugin( parser ); } ); loader.load( // URL of the VRM you want to load '/models/three-vrm-girl.vrm', // called when the resource is loaded ( gltf ) => { // retrieve a VRM instance from gltf const vrm = gltf.userData.vrm; // add the loaded vrm to the scene scene.add( vrm.scene ); // deal with vrm features console.log( vrm ); }, // called while loading is progressing ( progress ) => console.log( 'Loading model...', 100.0 * ( progress.loaded / progress.total ), '%' ), // called when loading has errors ( error ) => console.error( error ) );
- Notable:
should beTHREE.sRGBEncoding
- Notable: BlendShapeManager is renamed to ExpressionManager.
- There are a lot of changes based on the spec of VRM 1.0.
- Some of implementations are separated to individual packages
- You probably don't have to care about these packages since the build of
includes all of necessary dependencies.
- You probably don't have to care about these packages since the build of