Subgraph ID (Injective): QmNpbDDAH3EfwbFpytrZxTaywNBrtg666jkSYVY56HULpi
What's Changed
- Add Deposit to schema by @zolting in #1
- Refactor/redesign block-index by @zolting in #2
- Replace block by Order by by @zolting in #10
- Refactor proposals by @DenisCarriere in #11
- block-index queries - add message: support by @zolting in #12
- Refactor Rust Project + Add Governance Param fields by @zolting in #23
- Optimize Governance Parameters Storage with Hash-Based Referencing by @zolting in #24
New Contributors
- @zolting made their first contribution in #1
- @DenisCarriere made their first contribution in #11
Full Changelog: https://github.com/pinax-network/subgraph-cosmos-proposals/commits/v0.2.0