This is the base package containing useful modules for all kind of applications.
This module provides a way to do audit logs on resources. It can log resources being created, deleted or updated. Out of the box it comes with sinks to log to file, console or MySQL.
// create a file sink writing to /var/log/audits/audit.log
fileSink, _ := audit.NewFileSink("/var/log/audits/audit.log")
// initialize the global audit singleton to use that file sink
// log the creating of a resource at the current time
audit.LogCreateResource(userId, resourceId, myResource, time.Now())
# HELP audit_created_resources Counter for created resources.
# TYPE audit_created_resources counter
audit_created_resources 27
# HELP audit_deleted_resources Counter for deleted resources.
# TYPE audit_deleted_resources counter
audit_deleted_resources 0
# HELP audit_updated_resources Counter for updated resources.
# TYPE audit_updated_resources counter
audit_updated_resources 13
Provides some helpers to easily load and validate config files from file.
This modules wraps the Consul KV Api and provides some easy ways to load and store different data types without having to handle any type conversions.
Contains a handler for MySQL connection pools that will connect to multiple MySQL instances simultaneously and keeps track which instances are healthy by checking the cluster or database status regularly.
# HELP database_connections_healthy Number of currently healthy connections in the MySQL connection pool.
# TYPE database_connections_healthy gauge
database_connections_healthy 3
# HELP database_connections_unhealthy Number of currently unhealthy connections in the MySQL connection pool.
# TYPE database_connections_unhealthy gauge
database_connections_unhealthy 0
# HELP database_no_healthy_connection_errors Error counter for 'no healthy connections available'
# TYPE database_no_healthy_connection_errors counter
database_no_healthy_connection_errors 0
A wrapper for the dfuse client. Deprecated, use Substreams instead.
This module contains a wrapper for the Elastic client to easily bulk index documents.
Provides a logging library which utilizes zap under the hood. It comes with helpers and sane defaults to easily instantiate loggers.
This module provides multiple middlewares for the Gin framework. Middlewares contained are:
adding api key authentication to endpointsAuthMiddleware
checks if a JWT contains a certain permissionErrors
deals with unhandled errors within a request, logs them and translates them into a proper error responseJwksMiddleware
checks json web tokens issued by Auth0. It will also keep track of the current keys that are used by Auth0 and updates on key rotations automatically.LanguageMiddleware
parses the customX-Accept-Language
header and injects the proper language into the contextRecovery
catches panics within the application and translates them into proper responsesReverseProxyMiddleware
proxies requests to another API
Provides a common HTTP response format for successful responses as well as errors.
This module contains a struct field sanitizer.
Provides a Sendgrid client.
Provides a Shufti client.
Provides a Twilio client.
Provides some custom validation rules.