Tasks Framework. This library has to be used to design and run concurrently Tasks organized into execution structures.
A Task is a basic unit of execution. It has a name, a state and some requirements. Its requirements are used to determine if the Task is executable or not. At the end of its execution, the state move to COMPLETED.
Representation: A
A unitOfWork is a concrete Task with that contains a Job. When the Task is executed, its Job is executed too. The final Task's State is either FAILED or COMPLETED if the job has, respectively, throw an Exception or finished successfully.
Representation: [], [A, B]
A Pipeline represents a sequential (non parallelizable) set of Tasks.
Representation: (), (A, B)
A Parallel represents an unordonned (parallelizable) set of Tasks.
Representation: @[A]
A WakeUp represents a Task that requires to be awakened before being really executed.
Representation: |A|
A Delegate represents a Task holder. It is useful when the model requires a place reservation, but you don't know yet the Task type at this place.
An Execution is responsible of executing a Task. There is an Execution type per Task type (PipelineExecution, ParallelExecution, ...).
TaskTrackers are the extensibility elements of the Tasks Framework.
- Maven 3+
- Java 6+
Check out and build:
git clone https://USERNAME@forge.peergreen.com/git/git/poc/peergreen-tasks.git
cd peergreen-tasks
mvn clean install