Hi! I'm Ria Saheta, and I've been learning HTML and CSS this past summer, and I made this portfolio as a project for one of the courses I am taking. This Github serves a place for me to store all my coding projects over the years, as well as host this website! This repository has a couple html files, which are the pages of the website, as well as a Cascading Style Sheet to ensure everything is formatted the same. My email address is riasaheta@gmail.com.
To clone this repository, I went to to github.com and logged in to my account. Then, I clicked the "+" button on your home dasboard, and created a new repository, naming it my username and then ".github.io".
After downloading and opening Github Desktop, I logged into my github account on the application. Then I clicked File and Clone a repository, selecting "peanutz.github.io" which I just created. Then the repository folder appears in the file manager on your computer.
Next, I went to my Files, and opened up the folder where I have been storing my website work. I selected all the files, then dragged and dropped them into my Github folder "peanutz28.github.io". After creating a Commit summary and description, I clicked Commit in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Lastly, I pushed my changes with the Push Origin button, and could view my site on the correct domain name!