This project aims to further my learning on how to integrate a cloud database into a program. The software created is a photo editing database management program that allows photographers to add/update sessions, track the number of images edited, and calculate amounts due. The program is integrated with a Firebase Cloud Database to allow for easy access and sharing of data among different users.
The program uses a Firebase Cloud Database to store all data. The database has a collection called "photographers" which contains documents for each photographer. Each document has fields for the photographer's name, website, email, and their sessions. The sessions field is a subcollection that contains documents for each session with fields for session type, is_paid, session name, session date, delivered date, number of images, price per image, and return date.
This program was developed using Python 3.11.5. The Firebase Python SDK was used to access the Cloud Database.
- Add authentication for different users
- Implement a calendar feature to track session dates
- Improve user interface
- Allow for exporting/printing of data and reports