Plot the WRF and ERA5 data, in the same simple way as you run the WRF model!
PostWRF is a bunch of interactive tools, written in NCL and Bash scripts, to visualize and post-process the WRF model outputs (as well as ERA5 and RTTOV data, to some extent).
PostWRF is useful for both the expert and less-experienced users. Students can plot the WRF and ERA5 outputs whithout struggling with coding and syntax errors. Expert users can also carry out common postprocessing tasks in a simple and straightforward way.
- WRF Data extraction
- WRF horizontal contour plot
- WRF cross-section plot
- WRF statistical diagrams
- RTTOV input (from WRF) and output data generation
- WRF data conversion to Geotiff
- WRF Skew-T and windrose diagrams
- ERA5 horizontal contour plot
- ERA5 data extraction
Install NCL on a Linux machine (e.g. Fedora):
sudo dnf install ncl
Finished! That's enough for most of the PostWRF's capabilities!
HTML documentations with practical examples at:
For more detailed information about the backend structure of the software, please read
If you find PostWRF helpful, please kindly cite it in your works.