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Pactus Wallet

A modern, secure cryptocurrency wallet for the Pactus blockchain.

Project Overview

Pactus Wallet is a cross-platform wallet solution for managing digital assets on the Pactus blockchain. Built with security and usability in mind, it provides a seamless experience for users to create wallets, manage accounts, and perform transactions.

Project Structure

This project is structured as a monorepo using Yarn workspaces:

├── apps/                    # User-facing applications
│   └── web/                 # Web wallet application (Next.js)
├── packages/                # Shared libraries and modules
│   ├── wallet/              # Core wallet functionality
│   └── utils/               # Shared utilities
└── tests/                   # Test suites

Key Technologies


  • TypeScript - For type safety across the codebase
  • Yarn - Package manager with Workspaces support
  • Turborepo - Build system for monorepos

Web Application

  • Next.js - React framework for production
  • Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
  • next-themes - Theme management for Next.js

Wallet Core

  • TrustWallet Core - For cryptographic operations

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v18+)
  • Yarn (v4+)


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd pactus-wallet
  1. Install dependencies:
yarn install

Running the Web Wallet

# From the root directory
yarn build:web
yarn workspace web dev

# Or navigate to web app directory
cd apps/web
yarn dev


Build Commands

# Build all packages and applications
yarn build

# Build only the web application
yarn build:web

# Build only the packages
yarn build:pkg

Project Structure Best Practices

  • Keep related code in the appropriate package
  • Share common functionality through packages
  • Include comprehensive tests for all code
  • Document components and APIs using JSDoc
  • Follow the established coding style and conventions

Recommended Libraries

State Management

  • Zustand - For global state management
  • React Hook Form - For form handling
  • Zod - For schema validation

API Integration

  • TanStack Query - For data fetching and caching
  • Axios - For HTTP requests

UI Components


  • Jest - For unit and integration testing
  • Testing Library - For component testing


We welcome contributions to the Pactus Wallet project! Please follow these guidelines to ensure your contributions align with our standards.

Before You Contribute

  1. Understand the Project: Familiarize yourself with the project goals and architecture
  2. Check Existing Issues: See if there's already an issue for what you want to work on
  3. Discuss Major Changes: For significant changes, open an issue first to discuss with maintainers

Code Guidelines

  • Follow clean code principles and TypeScript best practices
  • Maintain type safety throughout the codebase
  • Write comprehensive tests for new code or changes
  • Ensure all tests pass before submitting a pull request
  • Maintain consistent code style using ESLint and Prettier

Commit Guidelines

We use Conventional Commits format for commit messages and PR titles. Follow these rules:

Commit Types

Type Description
fix A bug fix
feat A new feature
docs Documentation changes
test Adding or correcting tests
build Build system or dependency changes
ci CI configuration changes
perf Performance improvements
refactor Code changes that don't fix bugs or add features
style Formatting, white-space, etc.
chore Other changes not modifying src/test files

Commit Scope

Specify which part of the code is affected (e.g., wallet, web, api). Multiple scopes can be used if changes impact several areas.

Commit Message Format

  • Keep under 50 characters
  • Start with lowercase letter
  • No ending punctuation
  • Use imperative mood (e.g., "fix bug" not "fixed bug")


  • Correct ✅: "feat(wallet): add biometric authentication"
  • Incorrect ❌: "feat(wallet): Added biometric authentication."

Development Workflow

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
  3. Make your changes following our code guidelines
  4. Ensure tests pass: yarn test
  5. Commit your changes using conventional commit format
  6. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/amazing-feature
  7. Open a Pull Request

Code Review Process

Your PR will go through these checks:

  1. Dependency installation verification
  2. Code formatting check
  3. TypeScript compilation
  4. Linting with ESLint
  5. Test execution
  6. Final maintainer review

After Submission

  • If Approved: Your PR will be merged into the main branch
  • If Changes Requested: Address the feedback and update your PR

Reporting Issues

When reporting bugs, include:

  • Detailed reproduction steps
  • Environment information (OS, Node.js version, etc.)
  • Screenshots if applicable
  • Suggested fixes if possible

Code of Conduct

We follow a Code of Conduct to ensure a welcoming community for all contributors. Please read it before contributing.

Read the full Code of Conduct


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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