The .Net CDM Builder was initially developed by Janssen Research & Development as a tool to transform its observational databases into the OMOP Common Data Model. You can find the original code in
The program is used to convert CPRD GOLD into OMOP CDM.
- Upgraded Npgsql from v8.0.3 to v9.0.2
- Bug fixed incorrect measurement_source_concept_id representing Read Code which is case sensitive
- Bug fixed incorrectly loading the cdm schema as the vocab schema
- Added mapping Specialty (+)
- Applied to GOLD 202501 release
- Align CDM DDL v5.3 and 5.4 with 4b_OMOPCDM_postgresql_5_3_ddl.sql and 4b_OMOPCDM_postgresql_5_4_ddl.sql
- Upgraded from net6.0 to net8.0
- Populate Specimen
- Support protocol, _p in database name (+)
- Added source release date in configuration for protocol, _p (also used in observation_period) (+)
- Upgraded from netcoreapp3.1 to net6.0
- Applied to GOLD 202407 release, cdm_gold_p22_001867
- Enhancing read code list for mapping COVID-19 brand name (+)
- Readcode and brand name about COVID-19 vaccination
- P.S. COVID Medicago (Previously COVID-19 – Medicago) not found in GOLD
- update procedure_type_concept_id (+)
- left empty the non-required concept_id fields empty if there is no source value to map to a concept id (+)
- Bug fixed non-condition concepts in condition_occurrence
- not map read code = ZZZZZ00 (+)
- build PK, indexes and FKs in Era Tables (+)
- Applied to GOLD 202401 release and cdm_gold_p22_001867
- Support CDM v.5.4 (+)
- (backward compatible to CDM v.5.3)
- Map route in drugs (+)
- Bug fixed the incorrect observation_end_date
- [Tentative] No vaccinations in drug_era (sue to the CVX issues) (-)
- Applied to GOLD 202307 release
- Expand COVID-19 Vaccination brand infomation (+)
- Only map events within observation period (+)
- For Death, the observation period = observation_start_date to observation_end_date + 3 months)
- Data Cleaning function (-)
- Applied to GOLD 202301 release
- SQL tunning
- Autogenerated ids in OMOP CDM tables (+)
- Data Cleaning function (+)
- Applied to GOLD 202207 release
Clone from
- Support CDM v.5.4
- Populate Specimen
- Upgrade to net8.0
- Map Ethnicities
- Map Townsend deprivation index to 715996