THIS MOD IS DEPRECATED! This is because Baldera will be officially used soon. You can still use this mod until the official Baldera patch, as I don't expect it to cease functionality. However, it will become redundant when we get a working minimap.
Ever get lost in an all-too-forgotten area known as Baldera? Well I've got the module for you! Baldera Map adds an electron-based minimap while you're in the Baldera area to help make it feel like it was meant to exist again. This is done by using the TERA Toolbox modding platform.
Automatically opens and closes when you leave the Baldera region.
Displays a near real-time representation of your location on the minimap.
Displays all routes, including smaller ones that you may not have known about.
Moveable UI to be placed where you want it.
This may (or may not) work as expected on a display larger (or smaller) than 1920 x 1080.
You can use the command "balderamap" or "bmap" to open the map manually.
Changes to the position are saved when you close the minimap and reopen it. Right click on it to close it manually.
Snug : A lot of the technical work, including an SVG path plotter.