Simple Golang website with Echo Framework and Hero templates with Boostrap 4.
The goal is to create a very simple but fully functional customisable stateless website which can be used to test multiple deployments, like Vagrant VMs, Ansible Playbooks, Terraform scripts, Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters with minimal overhead and no runtimes.
- Static build on multiple platforms (see Release page);
- Working with as little as only the executable;
- Configurable with command line parameters and environment variables;
- Use logging (to console, but can be captured to files);
- Custom images and pages;
You may need to install project dependencies, like:
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
Compile Hero templates
hero -source="./template"
Compile SiteGo for Linux on Windows (you may need to close command prompt and reopen it)
setx GOOS linux
go build -o sitego main.go
Compile SiteGo for Mac OS on Windows (you may need to close command prompt and reopen it)
setx GOOS darwin
go build -o sitego main.go
Or on Windows (you may need to set GOOS environment variable back to 'windows'):
go build -o sitego.exe main.go
Check your Golang environment variables with go env
To run the application
sitego[.exe] [params]
Get all parameters
sitego -help
Command line parameters (optional):
Usage of sitego:
-b hide Echo banner
-i logo image (default false)
-l log to console
-p string
port (default "8000")
-s string
site name (default "Site Go")
show version
sitego -s "My Test" -p 8080 -l
Environment variables
- SITE_LOG = missing or "0" means logging is not active
- SITE_LOGO = missing or "0" means logo image is not displayed
IMPORTANT: If both command line parameters and environment variables are defined the parameters take precedence. For instance, if SITE_LOG = 1 and sitego -l=0, the logging is not active.
- Vagrant - see Vagrantfile
- Docker - see Dockerfile or public image at
- Kubernetes
- Host name is displayed on the footer;
- Source-code include generated Hero templates;
- If you create new environment variables you may need to reboot your computer on Windows; Or you can use setx SITE_LOGO 1 in command prompt, then close the window and open it again before restarting sitego.exe;
- ASP.NET Core version is also available at;
- 1.0 - initial release
- 1.1 - show all IP v4 addresses, and recompile with Go lang 1.12