General information about this package.
add below code to your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
run below command to install this package from your command promt or terminal
composer require xgenious/paymentgateway
if this payment package asked you for username and password here is it or generate your own token.
Information about the installation procedure for this package.
- Paytm [^v2.0 supported]
- PayPal [^v2.0 supported]
- Stripe [^v2.0 supported]
- Midtrans [^v2.0 supported]
- Razorpay[^v2.0 supported]
- Mollie[^v2.0 supported]
- FlutterwaveRave[^v2.0 supported]
- Paystack[^v2.0 supported]
- Payfast[^2.0 supported]
- Cashfree [^v2.0 supported]
- Instamojo [^v2.0 supported]
- Mercado pago [^v2.0 supported]
- Squareup [^v2.0]
- Cinetpay [^v2.0]
- PayTabs [^v2.0]
- BillPlz [^v2.0]
- Zitopay [^v2.0]
- PayU (upcoming)
- PerfectMoney (upcoming)
- payumoney (upcoming)
- Paytr (upcoming)
- (upcoming)
- Pagseguro (upcoming)
here is an example of a Controller
method to charge a customer, this is same for all of available payment gateway in this package
public function payment(Request $request)
return XgPaymentGateway::payfast()->charge_customer([
//payfast is an example you can added all of payment gateawy name in lowercase
'amount' => 10, // amount you want to charge from customer
'title' => 'this is test title', // payment title
'description' => 'this is test description', // payment description
'ipn_url' => route('stripe.ipn'), //you will get payment response in this route
'order_id' => 5, // your order number
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf', // a random number to keep track of your payment
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'), //payment gateway will redirect here if the payment is failed
'success_url' => route('payment.success'), // payment gateway will redirect here after success
'email' => '', // user email
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna', // user name
'payment_type' => 'order', // which kind of payment your are receving from customer
here is an example of a Controller
method to ipn response, this is same for all of available payment gateway in this package
public function payfast_ipn()
Checkout Paytm Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Paytm
PAYTM_ENVIRONMENT=local // local|production
PAYTM_ENVIRONMENT="local" // values : (local | production)
Route::post('/paytm-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'paytm_ipn'] )->name('payment.paytm.ipn');
you must have to excluded paytm ipn route from csrf token verify, go to app/Http/Middleware
Middleware add your route path here in $except
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as Middleware;
class VerifyCsrfToken extends Middleware
* The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
* @var array
protected $except = [
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$paytm = XgPaymentGateway::paytm();
$paytm->setEnv(true); // this must be type of boolean , string will not work
$paytm->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $paytm->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.paytm.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$paytm = XgPaymentGateway::paytm();
$paytm->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout CinetPay Setup Documentation
Route::post('/cinetpay-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'cinetpay_ipn'] )->name('payment.cinetpay.ipn');
you must have to excluded cinetpay ipn route from csrf token verify, go to app/Http/Middleware
Middleware add your route path here in $except
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as Middleware;
class VerifyCsrfToken extends Middleware
* The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
* @var array
protected $except = [
Cinetpay payment gateway is only supported in version > v2.x
$cinetpay = XgPaymentGateway::cinetpay();
$cinetpay->setExchangeRate(74); // if ['XOF', 'XAF', 'CDF', 'GNF', 'USD'] not set as currency
$response = $paytm->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10, // minimum 100 amount is required to process payment if usd not set as currency
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.cinetpay.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$cinetpay = XgPaymentGateway::cinetpay();
$cinetpay->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
apiKey = "12912847765bc0db748fdd44.40081707";
site_id = "445160";
Checkout Paypal Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Paypal
Route::get('/paypal-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'paypal_ipn'] )->name('payment.paypal.ipn');
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$paypal = XgPaymentGateway::paypal();
$paypal->setClientId('client_id'); // provide sandbox id if payment env set to true, otherwise provide live credentials
$paypal->setClientSecret('client_secret'); // provide sandbox id if payment env set to true, otherwise provide live credentials
$paypal->setAppId('app_id'); // provide sandbox id if payment env set to true, otherwise provide live credentials
$paypal->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$paypal->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $paypal->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$paypal = XgPaymentGateway::paypal();
$paypal->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout Stripe Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Stripe
Route::get('/stripe-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'stripe_ipn'] )->name('payment.stripe.ipn');
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$stripe = XgPaymentGateway::stripe();
$stripe->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$stripe->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $stripe->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$stripe = XgPaymentGateway::stripe();
$stripe->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout Midtrans Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Midtrans
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$midtrans = XgPaymentGateway::midtrans();
$midtrans->setEnv(true); //true mean sandbox mode , false means live mode
$midtrans->setExchangeRate(74); // if IDR not set as currency
$response = $midtrans->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$midtrans->setEnv(true); //true mean sandbox mode , false means live mode
Route::get('/midtrans-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'midtrans_ipn'] )->name('payment.midtrans.ipn');
VISA Description
4811 1111 1111 1114 3DS Enabled
4911 1111 1111 1113 3DS Enabled. Transaction Denied by Bank
4411 1111 1111 1118 3DS Disabled
4511 1111 1111 1117 3DS Disabled. Challenged by Fraud Detection
4611 1111 1111 1116 3DS Disabled. Denied by Fraud Detection
4711 1111 1111 1115 3DS Disabled. Transaction Denied by Bank
MASTERCARD Description
5211 1111 1111 1117 3DS Enabled
5111 1111 1111 1118 3DS Enabled. Transaction Denied by Bank
5410 1111 1111 1116 3DS Disabled
5510 1111 1111 1115 3DS Disabled. Challenged by Fraud Detection
5411 1111 1111 1115 3DS Disabled. Denied by Fraud Detection
5511 1111 1111 1114 3DS Disabled. Transaction Denied by Bank
Checkout Razorpay Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Razorpay
Route::post('/razorpay-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'razorpay_ipn'] )->name('payment.razorpay.ipn');
card - Visa
number - 4111 1111 1111 1111
CVV - Random CVV
Expiry - Any future date
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$razorpay = XgPaymentGateway::razorpay();
$razorpay->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$razorpay->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $razorpay->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$razorpay = XgPaymentGateway::razorpay();
$razorpay->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout Mollie Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Mollie
Route::get('/mollie-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'mollie_ipn'] )->name('payment.razorpay.ipn');
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$mollie = XgPaymentGateway::mollie();
$mollie->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$mollie->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $mollie->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.mollie.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$mollie = XgPaymentGateway::mollie();
$mollie->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$mollie->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
Checkout Flutterwave Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Flutterwave
Route::get('/flutterwave-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'flutterwave_ipn'] )->name('payment.flutterwave.ipn');
Test MasterCard PIN authentication
Card number: 5531 8866 5214 2950
cvv: 564
Expiry: 09/32
Pin: 3310
OTP: 12345
Card number: 4556052704172643
cvv: 899
Expiry: 09/32
Pin: 3310
OTP: 12345
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$flutterwave = XgPaymentGateway::flutterwave();
$flutterwave->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$flutterwave->setExchangeRate(74); // if NGN not set as currency
$response = $flutterwave->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$flutterwave = XgPaymentGateway::flutterwave();
$flutterwave->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout Paystack Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Paystack
Route::get('/paystack-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'paystack_ipn'] )->name('payment.paystack.ipn');
Note: paystack does not support multiple ipn route, it supports only one webhook you can add in paystack dashboard. you can use $arg['payment_type'] data for check which kind of payment processed
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$paystack = XgPaymentGateway::paystack();
$paystack->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$paystack->setExchangeRate(74); // if NGN not set as currency
$response = $paystack->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$paystack = XgPaymentGateway::paystack();
$paystack->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout Payfast Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Payfast
Route::post('/payfast-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'payfast_ipn'] )->name('payment.payfast.ipn');
you must have to excluded Payfast ipn route from csrf token verify, go to app/Http/Middleware
Middleware add your route path here in $except
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as Middleware;
class VerifyCsrfToken extends Middleware
* The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
* @var array
protected $except = [
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$payfast = XgPaymentGateway::payfast();
$payfast->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$payfast->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $payfast->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$payfast = XgPaymentGateway::payfast();
$payfast->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout Cashfree Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Cashfree
Route::post('/cashfree-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'cashfree_ipn'] )->name('payment.cashfree.ipn');
you must have to excluded Cashfree ipn route from csrf token verify, go to app/Http/Middleware
Middleware add your route path here in $except
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as Middleware;
class VerifyCsrfToken extends Middleware
* The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
* @var array
protected $except = [
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$cashfree = XgPaymentGateway::cashfree();
$cashfree->setEnv(true); //true means sandbox, false means live , //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$cashfree->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $cashfree->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.cashfree.ipn'),
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$cashfree = XgPaymentGateway::cashfree();
$cashfree->setEnv(true); //true means sandbox, false means live //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout Instamojo Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Instamojo
Instamojo Pago only works with INR currency
Route::get('/instamojo-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'instamojo_ipn'] )->name('payment.instamojo.ipn');
mobile number 919090213229
For payments use the following card details:
Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Date: Any valid future date
CVV: 111
Name: abc
3D-secure password: 1221
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0 will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$instamojo = XgPaymentGateway::instamojo();
$instamojo->setEnv(true); //true mean sandbox mode , false means live mode //env must set as boolean, string will not work
$instamojo->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $instamojo->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$instamojo = XgPaymentGateway::instamojo();
$instamojo->setEnv(true); //env must set as boolean, string will not work
Checkout Mercadopago Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Mercadopago
Mercado Pago only works with BRL currency
Route::get('/mercadopago-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'mercadopago_ipn'] )->name('payment.mercadopago.ipn');
For payments use the following card details:
Number: 5031 4332 1540 6351
Date: 11/25
CVV: 123
Name: abc
route and middleware code will be same as version ^1.0, version ^2.0, will change only customer_charge and ipn_response method
$marcadopago = XgPaymentGateway::marcadopago();
$marcadopago->setExchangeRate(82); // if BRL not set as currency, you must have to provide exchange rate for it
$marcadopago->setEnv(true); ////true mean sandbox mode , false means live mode
$response = $marcadopago->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.instamojo.ipn'), //get route
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$marcadopago = XgPaymentGateway::marcadopago();
Checkout Squareup Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For Squareup
Squareup supported currency list
Route::get('/Squareup-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'Squareup_ipn'] )->name('payment.mercadopago.ipn');
access_token = 'EAAAEOuLQObrVwJvCvoio3H13b8Ssqz1ighmTBKZvIENW9qxirHGHkqsGcPBC1uN'
location_id = 'LE9C12TNM5HAS'
Mastercard 5105 1051 0510 5100
CVC: 111
Date: any future date
6011 0000 0000 0004
CVC: 111
Date: any future date
Diners Club 3000 000000 0004
CVC: 111
Date: any future date
JCB 3569 9900 1009 5841
CVC: 111
Date: any future date
Name: Test
$squareup = XgPaymentGateway::squareup();
$squareup->setExchangeRate(74); // if INR not set as currency
$response = $squareup->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route('payment.get.ipn'),
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$squareup = XgPaymentGateway::squareup();
Checkout PayTabs Setup Documentation
Here is Test Credentials For PayTabs
PayTabs supported currency list
Route::post('/paytabs-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'paytabs_ipn'] )->name('payment.mercadopago.ipn');
'currency' => 'USD', //['AED','EGP','SAR','OMR','JOD','USD']
'profile_id' => '96698',
'region' => 'GLOBAL', // ['ARE','EGY','SAU','OMN','JOR','GLOBAL']
Number Scheme CVV 3D enrolled
4000000000000002 Visa 123 Yes
4111111111111111 Visa 123 No
4012001036983332 Visa 530 Yes
5498383801606532 MasterCard 977 Yes
5200000000000007 MasterCard 977 Yes
5200000000000114 MasterCard 977 No
$paytabs = XgPaymentGateway::paytabs();
$paytabs->setExchangeRate(74); // if ['AED','EGP','SAR','OMR','JOD','USD'] not set as currency
$response = $paytabs->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route(''),
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$paytabs = XgPaymentGateway::paytabs();
Checkout BillPlz Setup Documentation
Billplz supported currency list ['MYR]
Route::post('/billplz-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'billplz_ipn'] )->name('payment.billplz.ipn');
$billplz = XgPaymentGateway::billplz();
$billplz->setExchangeRate(50); // if ['MYR'] not set as currency
$response = $billplz->charge_customer([
'amount' => 10,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'this is test description',
'ipn_url' => route(''),
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur rhamna',
'payment_type' => 'order',
return $response;
$billplz = XgPaymentGateway::billplz();
Checkout Zitopay Setup Documentation
Zitopay supported currency list [ "USD", "EUR", "GBP", "AED", "AFN", "ALL", "AMD", "ANG", "AOA", "ARS", "AUD", "AWG", "AZN", "BAM", "BBD", "BDT", "BGN", "BHD", "BIF", "BMD", "BND", "BOB", "BRL", "BSD", "BTN", "BWP", "BYN", "BZD", "CAD", "CDF", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY", "COP", "CRC", "CUP", "CVE", "CZK", "DJF", "DKK", "DOP", "DZD", "EGP", "ERN", "ETB", "FJD", "GEL", "GHS", "GMD", "GNF", "GTQ", "GYD", "HNL", "HRK", "HTG", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS", "INR", "IQD", "IRR", "ISK", "JMD", "JOD", "JPY", "KES", "KGS", "KHR", "KMF", "KPW", "KRW", "KWD", "KZT", "LAK", "LBP", "LKR", "LRD", "LSL", "LTL", "LVL", "LYD", "MAD", "MDL", "MGA", "MKD", "MMK", "MNT", "MRO", "MUR", "MVR", "MWK", "MXN", "MYR", "MZN", "NAD", "NGN", "NIO", "NOK", "NPR", "NZD", "OMR", "PAB", "PEN", "PGK", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN", "PYG", "QAR", "RON", "RSD", "RUB", "RWF", "SAR", "SCR", "SDG", "SEK", "SGD", "SLL", "SOS", "SRD", "STD", "SVC", "SYP", "SZL", "THB", "TJS", "TMT", "TND", "TOP", "TRY", "TTD", "TWD", "TZS", "UAH", "UGX", "UYU", "UZS", "VEF", "VND", "VUV", "WST", "XCD", "XOF", "YER", "ZAR", "ZMW", "ZWD", "XAF", ]
Route::post('/zitopay-ipn', [\App\Http\Controllers\PaymentLogController::class,'zitopay_ipn'] )->name('payment.zitopay.ipn'); //need to exclude from csrf token varification
you must have to excluded Zitopay ipn route from csrf token verify, go to app/Http/Middleware
Middleware add your route path here in $except
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as Middleware;
class VerifyCsrfToken extends Middleware
* The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
* @var array
protected $except = [
$zitopay = XgPaymentGateway::zitopay();
$zitopay->setExchangeRate(50); // if INR not set as currency
$args = [
'amount' => 250,
'title' => 'this is test title',
'description' => 'description',
'ipn_url' => route(''),
'order_id' => 56,
'track' => 'asdfasdfsdf',
'cancel_url' => route('payment.failed'),
'success_url' => route('payment.success'),
'email' => '',
'name' => 'sharifur',
'payment_type' => 'order',
$response = $zitopay->charge_customer($args);
return $response;
$zitopay = XgPaymentGateway::zitopay();
$zitopay->setExchangeRate(50); // if INR not set as currency
you must have to add this currency value to work all the payment gateway properly, make sure you have make this rate update able from admin panel required only for version ^1.0
Information about using this package
Information about contributing to this package. Owner Of Package @Sharifur Bug Fix and minor Contributor