- Murilo Boratto, our professor and instructor in many different parts of our graduation.
- Ugonna Chikezie, the Global Lead - oneAPI Academic Workshops, our mentor on student Ambassador programm.
Here is a quick reference guide on how to utilize the execution queue within the Intel® DevCloud Environment. We'll provide some practical examples to demonstrate its usage and showcase a real-world example of submitting jobs.
Follow the official Intel slides instructions.
- Launch Jupyter Lab just like official Intel slides.
- Upload the sample notebook file into your Jupyter Lab files.
Follow the official Intel slides instructions to launch your compute instance.
Inside the Terminal access the compute instance [ EXAMPLE ]:
Host 146.152.*.*
ProxyCommand /usr/bin/nc -x proxy-dmz.intel.com:1080 %h %p
chmod 400 my-key.ssh
ssh -J guest-dev8@ 6 ubuntu@
Yes! Only in compute nodes [ EXAMPLE ]:
git clone https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneAPI-samples.git
Feel free to create a new branch, fork the project, create a new Issue or make a pull request contact one of us to develop at how to devcloud guide.