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77 repositories
PublicThe definitive collection of interpreters, compilers, and programs for the Whitespace programming language.- Fork of CensoredUsername's Whitespace JIT compiler in Rust
PublicFork of Kamila Szewczyk's Whitespace assembler and interpreter in Cvoliva-wsa
PublicFork of Victor Oliva's Whitespace assembler and debugger in TypeScriptqeedquan-go
PublicExtracted subtree for Quan Tran's Whitespace interpreter in Govictornuzhniy-codewars
PublicArchive of Victor Nuzhniy's Whitespace interpreter in Python for Codewars- Archive of HaPyLi, a language that compiles to Whitespace by Cybis
PublicArchive of Philipp Bunge's Whitespace parser in Java- Archive of YutaYamaguchi's Whitespace interpreter in Ruby
PublicFork of Vii5ard's online Whitespace IDE, debugger, assembler, and
PublicArchive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in Pythonnutcrack-whiteplanes.cs
PublicArchive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in C#nutcrack-whiteplanes.fs
PublicArchive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in F#nutcrack-whiteplanes.jl
PublicArchive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in Julianutcrack-whiteplanes.js
PublicArchive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in JavaScriptnutcrack-whiteplanes.php
PublicArchive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in PHPnutcrack-whiteplanes.r
PublicArchive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in Rnutcrack-whiteplanes.rb
PublicArchive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in Ruby- Archive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace project website
- Archive of Takuya Katsurada's Whitespace interpreter in Swift
PublicArchive of r.e.s.'s Binary Whitespace translator in Pythonburghard-wsa
PublicMirror of Oliver Burghard's Whitespace assembler in Haskelllifthrasiir-esotope-ws
PublicArchive of Kang Seonghoon's obfuscated Whitespace interpreter and assembler in Pythonlifthrasiir-esotope
PublicMirror of Phillip Bradbury's Whitespace interpreter in Pythonmash-whitespacesdk
PublicArchive of MArtin SHerratt's SDK for Whitespace in Javardebath-c
PublicFork of Robert de Bath's Whitespace language tools and programs in Cmarktraceur-redlandside
PublicFull revision history for Mark Holmquist and Logan May's RedlandsIDE