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Infrahub - v1.1.3

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@lykinsbd lykinsbd released this 16 Jan 18:34
· 214 commits to stable since this release

Release 1.1.3

This release is a bug-fix release to resolve issues found in Infrahub v1.1.2 and prior.

Main changes

The complete list of changes can always be found in the file in the Infrahub Git repository.


  • Add a new link in the object details button to redirect to the tasks list with a filter for the current object


  • Add ID and HFID copy buttons in a new action buttons for the object details (#4648)
    • Remove the ID attribute from the list
    • Get the description from the object if that's possible, if not then from the schema
  • Disable action buttons depending on the on going tasks for the different workflows (merge, rebase, validate)
  • Display multiple related nodes in the tasks list and details views
  • Changed the default value for the s3.default_acl configuration setting to private


  • Prevent access to REST API endpoints for anonymous user when anonymous access is not allowed (#5312)
  • Fix pool exhaustion error for IP resource pools when some allocated nodes were deleted (#5315)
  • Fix IP address being displayed in IP prefix pool after deleting the allocated prefix it was part of (#5316)
  • Fixed text overflow when there is too many options when selecting a relationship with a hierarchical model (#5431)
  • Allow to change any attributes and relationships when using a mutation on CoreAccount (#5455)
  • Validate updates to an attribute's kind when loading a new schema (#5460)

Migration guide

The process to migrate your instance of Infrahub to the latest version may vary depending on your deployment of Infrahub.
However, at a high-level, it will involve getting the latest version of the Infrahub code, and then performing any needed Database Migrations and Schema updates.

Please ensure you have a backup of your Infrahub environment prior to attempting any migration or upgrade activities.

Migration of an Infrahub instance

First, update the Infrahub version running in your environment.

Below are some example ways to get the latest version of Infrahub in your environment.

  • For deployments via Docker Compose, update your container version by updating the VERSION environment variable and relaunch:
    • export VERSION="1.1.3"; docker compose pull && docker compose up -d
  • For deployments via Kubernetes, utilize the latest version of the Helm chart supplied with this release

Second, once you have gotten the desired version of Infrahub in your environment, please run the following commands.

Note: If you are running Infrahub in Docker/K8s, these commands need to run from a container where Infrahub is installed.

infrahub db migrate
infrahub db update-core-schema

Finally, restart all instances of Infrahub.

Migration of a dev or demo instance

If you are using the dev or demo environments, we have provided invoke commands to aid in the migration to the latest version.
The below examples provide the demo version of the commands, however similar commands can be used for dev as well.

invoke demo.stop
invoke demo.migrate
invoke demo.start

If you don't want to keep your data, you can start a clean instance with the following command.

Warning: All data will be lost, please make sure to backup everything you need before running this command.

invoke demo.destroy demo.start demo.load-infra-schema demo.load-infra-data

The repository has also been updated, it's recommended to pull the latest changes into your fork.