Resolve merge conflicts from Stable -> Release-1.0 #11380
on: pull_request
2 errors
Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"}
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resource: 'Release',
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body: '{"body":"## Changelog\\n\\n- v1.0.0 release prep @lykinsbd (#4764)\\n- edited creating a schema page @vsurresh (#4785)\\n- Restructure device management menu @wvandeun (#4786)\\n- Instrument Prefect Worker to make it easier to override some of it @dgarros (#4783)\\n- Add order\\\\_weight to multiple attributes and relationships in the demo schema @wvandeun (#4779)\\n- Create section in the menu for each top level items automatically imported from the schema @dgarros (#4787)\\n- Initialize transform using `__init__()` @ogenstad (#4782)\\n- add validation for branch merge @ajtmccarty (#4767)\\n- IFC-758 Add roles, groups and permissions in demo data @gmazoyer (#4587)\\n- add more validation to branch rebase and merge @ajtmccarty (#4667)\\n- updates for deleting attrs and rels from schema @ajtmccarty (#4765)\\n- Regenerate SDK docs @ogenstad (#4770)\\n- Remove scope default config from docs @ogenstad (#4768)\\n- Avoid using WHERE $node\\\\_kind IN LABELS(n) in query, @dgarros (#4752)\\n- Slight change to the load function for settings @ogenstad (#4757)\\n- Support SSO provider config from infrahub.toml @ogenstad (#4749)\\n- Upgrade ruff=0.7.1 @ogenstad (#4750)\\n- IFC-840 fix serialization problem for node name update migration @ajtmccarty (#4746)\\n- IFC-841 fixes for relationship count constraint validator @ajtmccarty (#4743)\\n- Update menu generator to better display existing schema IFC-834 @dgarros (#4716)\\n- Diagram updates for 1.0 architecture changes @petercrocker (#4723)\\n- Run git sync every 1 minute @ogenstad (#4735)\\n- Migrate RequestDiffUpdate/RequestDiffRefresh to prefect @LucasG0 (#4733)\\n- Migrate SendWebhook to prefect @LucasG0 (#4734)\\n- Add support for additional context to the metrics for query execution time @dgarros (
HttpError: Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"}
at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:8462:21
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async Job.doExecute (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:30793:18)
name: 'AggregateError',
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created_at: '2022-08-25T10:25:23Z',
default_branch: 'develop',
delete_branch_on_merge: true,
deployments_url: '',
description: 'Infrahub - A new approach to Infrastructure Management',