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2020 06 15
14:00 UTC (08:00 MDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 22:00 CST, 24:00 AEST)
Agree Agenda and IPR Call
Minutes/Notes of previous meetings
Current Candidate EDR API Specification
Progress on API coordination, Collections, etcOutstanding Issues
Outstanding Pull Requests
Request OAB Review
Tech Committee Approval for Public Review
Any Other Business
- Chris Little
- Dave Blodgett
- Peng Yue
- Gobe Hobona
- Chuck Heazel
- Clemens Portele
- Frédéric Guillaud
- Boyi Shangguan
- Iain Burnell
- Mark Burgoyne
- Shane Mill
- Steve Olson
- Paul Hershberg
- Pete Trevelyan
- Aleksander Jelenak
- Ethan Davis
- Hylke van der Schaaf
- James Passmore
- Lei Hu
- Peter Vretanos
- Rob Atkinson
- Satish Sankaran
- Jürgen Seib
- Stephan Meissl
- Stephane Garcia
- Uwe Voges
Agree Agenda and IPR Call Agreed
Minutes/Notes of previous meetings Approved NOTUC
Motion to request TC approve public release of EDR API Sprint Engineering Report
Motion proposed by Chris Little Seconded by Steve Olson NOTUC, No discussions
Current Candidate EDR API Specification
Progress on API coordination & collections, etc. Current spec is as aligned as possible, and meets our requirements. Created separate Conformance Class for Instances/{instanceId} so could be used by API-Common or hierarchical collections
Outstanding Issues
#80 Confusing use of core and core in text: Keep open until editted.
#79 2 or 3 requirements classes for JSON, geoJSON and covJSON; and #77 Number of conformance classes: clarify that this is increasing the number of conformance classes, not reducing the number. Considered better structure.
Json-ld discussion: not enforcing json-ld.
Testing is either EDR Abstract Test Suite or yaml config and context for data itself (using linked section). Rely on schemas to describe things gives simpler spec.
#72 Link relations in EDR?: Naming Authority owns OGC link relations registry at https://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ . See example at oapi_common. If links need registering: OGC-NA https://docs.opengeospatial.org/pol/09-046r5.html#_submission_process . Chris and Mark B have action to cite info in clause 6.
#35 Develop conformance tests for the EDR API: addressed by new pull request.
#16 License and Access rights: need to add the right phrases
Outstanding Pull Requests
"June TC test and classes": Dave B. has reviewed, Mark B. is reviewing
Reqest OAB Review? Gobe suggests members have one week for review, then schedule OAB review Motion made by Chris Second by Peter Trevelyan
Discussion: Chuck says OAB will focus on abstract test suite to ensure requirements are met.
Tech Committee Approval for Public Review? Don’t need TC approval public review. Goes through OAB review, then out for public comment.
Any Other Business: None.
Go for OAB review in two or three weeks.
Chris and Mark fill missing parts and refine text.