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Release v6.0.3 (#295) #19

Release v6.0.3 (#295)

Release v6.0.3 (#295) #19

name: Server Installer Windows-Latest Build and Test
branches: ["main"]
- v*
- '**'
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install NSIS
shell: PowerShell
run: |
# Download NSIS installer
Invoke-WebRequest -UserAgent "Wget" -Uri "" -OutFile "nsis.exe"
# Install NSIS
Start-Process nsis.exe -ArgumentList '/S' -Wait
- name: Verify NSIS installation
shell: PowerShell
run: |
# Check if NSIS is installed
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis.exe' /VERSION
- name: Build the Lemonade Server installer
shell: PowerShell
run: |
cd installer
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis.exe' 'Installer.nsi'
if (Test-Path "Lemonade_Server_Installer.exe") {
Write-Host "Lemonade_Server_Installer.exe has been created successfully."
} else {
Write-Host "Lemonade_Server_Installer.exe was not found."
exit 1
- name: Upload Installer
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: always()
name: LemonadeServerInstaller
path: |
- name: Attempt to install Lemonade Server using installer
shell: cmd
run: |
cd installer
Lemonade_Server_Installer.exe /S
- name: Ensure the Lemonade serer works properly
shell: pwsh
run: |
Write-Host "Use a function to determine the underlying command from the lemonade server shortcut"
function Get-ShortcutTarget {
param (
$shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($shortcutPath)
$targetPath = $shortcut.TargetPath
$arguments = $shortcut.Arguments
return "$targetPath $arguments"
Write-Host "ls of install directory to make sure the server is there"
ls "$HOME\AppData\Local\lemonade_server"
$shortcutPath = "$HOME\AppData\Local\lemonade_server\lemonade-server.lnk"
$fullCommand = Get-ShortcutTarget -shortcutPath $shortcutPath
Write-Host "Server shortcut full command: $fullCommand"
$quotedCommand = "`"$fullCommand`""
$outputFile = "output.log"
$errorFile = "error.log"
$serverProcess = Start-Process -FilePath "cmd.exe" -ArgumentList "/C $quotedCommand" -RedirectStandardOutput $outputFile -RedirectStandardError $errorFile -PassThru -NoNewWindow
Write-Host "Wait for 30 seconds to let the server come up"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Write-Host "Check if server process successfully launched"
$serverRunning = Get-Process -Id $serverProcess.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $serverRunning) {
Write-Host "Error: Server process isn't running, even though we just tried to start it!"
Write-Host "Standard Output:"
Get-Content $outputFile
Write-Host "Standard Error:"
Get-Content $errorFile
exit 1
} else {
Write-Host "Server process is alive."
Write-Host "Wait for the server port to come up"
while ($true) {
$llmPortCheck = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 8000
if (-not $llmPortCheck.TcpTestSucceeded) {
Write-Host "LLM server is not yet running on port 8000!"
Write-Host "Standard Output:"
Get-Content $outputFile
Write-Host "Standard Error:"
Get-Content $errorFile
} else {
Write-Host "LLM server is running on port 8000."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Write-Host "Checking the /health endpoint"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8000/api/v0/health -UseBasicParsing
if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) {
Write-Output "Good: /health status code is 200"
} else {
Write-Output "Error: /health status code is not 200"
Write-Host "Standard Output:"
Get-Content $outputFile
Write-Host "Standard Error:"
Get-Content $errorFile
exit 1
$jsonContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($jsonContent) {
Write-Output "Good: /health JSON content is not empty: $jsonContent"
} else {
Write-Output "Error: /health JSON content is empty"
Write-Host "Standard Output:"
Get-Content $outputFile
Write-Host "Standard Error:"
Get-Content $errorFile
exit 1
Write-Host "Close the server process"
function Kill-Tree {
Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | Where-Object { $_.ParentProcessId -eq $ppid } | ForEach-Object { Kill-Tree $_.ProcessId }
Stop-Process -Id $ppid
Kill-Tree $serverProcess.Id
- name: Release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')
files: installer/Lemonade_Server_Installer.exe