Machine learning based software for whole slide morphometric analysis of human biopsied muscle on H&E.
Clone the Hifuku GitHub repository:
git clone
Google Colab is the easiest way to try this software with GPU support, especially for clinicians and pathologists who are unfamiliar with programming or do not have a local Python environment.
To get started:
Download tutoial.ipynb: Download tutoial.ipynb.
Upload tutoial.ipynb to your Google Drive: Upload the file to your Google Drive.
Open tutoial.ipynb with Google Colab: Sign in Google Colab and open tutoial.ipynb with it.
Run mmmetry: Follow the instructions in the Jupyter Notebook tutorial.
*You need a google account and sign in to Google colab.
This software was tested in the following Google Clolab environment on June 4, 2024.
Python (3.10.12), torch (2.1.0+cu118), torchvision (0.16.0+cu118), torchmetrics (1.2.0), pytorch-lightning (2.1.2), segmentation-models-pytorch (0.3.3), timm (0.9.2), opencv-python (, albumentations (1.3.1)