This project presents the development of a compiler made from scratch. It has been carried out during the Compilers course by the team formed by JSf98, JCC1998 and me.
Generate the lexical file using JFlex:
- open lib/jflex-full.jar
- select the .flex file and generate the output (
Generate the syntactic files using CUP:
# execute just one option java -jar java-cup-11b.jar -parser parser Parser.cup # option 1 java -jar java-cup-11b.jar Parser.cup # option 2
It will generate and files.
Add the generated files to the CAVA project (CAVA/src/cava).
Execute java project. The program reads the input under the file input.txt to generate the corresponding machine code (if no errors detected).
Execute or (optimized version of the code) to compile and run the machine code generated.
- JFLex 1.7
- Java CUP 11b