Forked https://github.com/oarkflow/framework With support to switch between Gin and GoFiber
Goravel is a web application framework with complete functions and good scalability. As a starting scaffolding to help Golang developers quickly build their own applications.
- Config
- Http
- Orm
- Migrate
- Logger
- Cache
- Grpc
- Artisan Console
- Task Scheduling
- Queue
- Event
- Mock
- Optimize experience of microservice
- Orm relationships
- Request validator
- Custom .env path
Online documentation https://www.github.com/oarkflow
To optimize the documentation, please submit a PR to the documentation repository https://github.com/framework/docs
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Goravel and Laravel remain highly consistent, let PHPer play Golang happily without learning a new framework!
The Goravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.