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Auth wizard demonstrates the basic user authentication system. It aims to go a little lower level, i.e carry out user authentication without leveraging out of the box authentication libraries like passportjs or meteorjs user-accounts.


  • Signup - Basic user registration using email and password. Also includes relevant validations
  • Login - Login using email and password to receive jsonwebtoken


To setup and run the project, an individual machine requires a working version of node and npm. This project was bootstraped using node --version v8.9.4 and npm 5.6.0. It is recommended to use at least this version of the node and npm dependencies. Here is a good tutorial on how to install nodejs using nvm.


To clone project execute the following command from terminal git clone Assuming that the project is already cloned. Open a new terminal window and navigate into the project directory and into the root folder. Then

  • Run the following command npm install
  • Next theres need to setup some environmental variables which are all listed in a .env file found in the projects root directory.

Run server

To run the project, in a terminal window navigate into the root directory of the project(if not there already) and run the command npm start. This will start the server in the port specified in the environmental variables(By default this is 3000.

API documentation

Project includes a swagger doc api-spec.json found in the doc folder from the root directory. This provides details on featured endpoints. Simple run the app as described in the preceding step and visit the endpoint /api-docs in the browser and that will serve the documentation using swagger-ui.

Running unit tests

The project uses mocha as a test runner. To run unit tests simply navigate to the root directory of the project and execute the following command npm test.

Code coverage

To generate code coverage reports for the project execute the following command in the root directory of the project npm run coverage. The coverage report can now be found in the coverage folder from the root directory.


In the root directory of the project execute the following command to run linting analysis npm run lint





Authentication wizard using node and express






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